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drank Marrakech by T2
1024 tasting notes

Drinking a bottled unsweetened iced tea version from the store, bought primarily so I could re-use the bottle for my own cold brewing purposes!

This is very refreshing and lovely.

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drank Apple Crumble by T2
109 tasting notes

Sipdown. Lol. It’s been three years since I first opened this.

Herbal fruit tea. Tastes like the dessert. Liking the cinnamon. A little tart when brewed for more than a few minutes, but I can see some people liking that.

Flavour didn’t diminish with time, which is rare. Not rebuying, but rating stays the same.

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drank Apple Crumble by T2
109 tasting notes

Wasn’t the hugest fan of this as a hot tea, but iced…my goodness!
Bite into a frozen Sara Lee Apple Danish and this is what it tastes like.
So very delicious. You would not regret making this.

Steeped at double strength for ten minutes in boiling water and left to chill in the fridge.

Boiling 8 min or more 10 tsp 47 OZ / 1400 ML

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drank Apple Crumble by T2
109 tasting notes

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drank Apple Crumble by T2
109 tasting notes

Like a hug. But a tad too pastry-sweet for me when hot. Would use less of it per cup next time, or save it to use as an iced tea once the Australian summer comes back

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 250 ML

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drank Chocolate by T2
1501 tasting notes

Had this two nights ago, and I remember thinking, “Hm, this is just okay — for having paid shipping from Australia”. Which is kinda funny, because I read somewhere that T2 now has a store open in London… sigh. Shoulda woulda coulda. Next time!

195 °F / 90 °C 8 min or more 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

I thought they had a store in NY too.

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drank Chocolate by T2
1501 tasting notes

I’m a bit surprised mine is the second review of this tea; it’s billed as one of T2’s bestselling blends, and I understand why now. It’s a subtle chocolate, more dark chocolate or unsweetened cocoa than anything, and the dryness from having a mouthful of cocoa comes through quite well (with zero astringency). It’s a lovely blend, a bit surprising in fact, as I was expecting ooey-gooey chocolate, and this is more of a connoisseurs blend. Lovely.

Flavors: Chocolate

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 30 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

i’ll move to australia and review more australian teas… hehe


You’re most definitely getting some of this, and all of the related teas (Terrific Toffee, Chocolate Chip Chai, Arctic Fire, etc.)


I need a job that let’s me travel the world tasting teas

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drank Spring by T2
1024 tasting notes

WELP, I was looking forward to trying this after cold brewing overnight in my lovely new More Tea bottle but then the bottle didn’t survive my bike trip into work.

Internal glass shattered. Devastated.

And I only had a one cup sample of this tea, too! Sigh. Not a great start to the day. Can only go up from here, right?

For a positive spin, that’s technically another sipdown. I so wanted to get under 70 before my Butiki order arrives, but I’ve just received my Mr. Earl May teas so the challenge intensifies AGAIN!


Oh no! Earlier today I had read your review for that bottle too! Strange that it was the internal glass that broke. I wonder if that happens often.


I’m not sure :( second steep ever with it too. Hopefully the company is understanding and can send me a replacement! Might have to change my rating down a bit for the bottle :/

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drank Arctic Fire by T2
1501 tasting notes

So… this is one weird tea. It brewed up a really light orange, and I wondered if it was a black. It is. I smell something apricot-ish, yet my tastebuds tell me it’s more strawberry than anything. My lips are burning from I-don’t-know what. It’s got a hint of creaminess to it, and there’s a definite floral edge as well. I wish the burning would stop so I could figure out if I like it or not, but I suspect there’s some sort of strawberry flavoring and thus my reaction. Refraining from rating this one.

200 °F / 93 °C 1 min, 45 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

Bummer on the strawberry… sounds like an interesting one otherwise.


I’m going to set some of this aside for you Suziqzer, because it says right on the box it’s meant to be enjoyed iced, and I can see you really digging it.


The Hubby is really enjoying my adventures w/cold steeping. He takes a Mason jar of tea with him every day to work. I haven’t found anything he won’t drink cold steeped yet, and he’s loving the variety as I’m using up samples that we’ve already tried hot. :) I’m trying them too, but it’s still cool in the house where I spend a lot of my work time right now so I’m not as inclined to drink it down yet like he is.


So cool! I love getting the whole family in on the tea-drinking bonanza.

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drank Orange Zing by T2
1024 tasting notes

Well, it’s no Ginger Spice.

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drank Chilli Kiss by T2
1501 tasting notes

I think I prefer this tea iced! The chili really comes through in the cold brew, almost (not quite) as much as Kapha from TeaGschenwnder. I’ll always remember JustJames’ “the burn! the burn!” from that one, and this is… similar. Hot steeped I didn’t get nearly enough spicey chili from this, but this cold steep? Divine. Perfect. Exactly what I wanted.

Flavors: Creamy, Peppercorn, Spicy, Thick

Iced 4 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 18 OZ / 532 ML

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drank Chilli Kiss by T2
1501 tasting notes

Now THIS is some spicy, delicious tea! I love this. So glad I decided to grab it in my mammoth T2 order (because they’re in Australia, and because they only sell 100g via airmail ordering).

It’s smooth and rich, like a melted chocolate vanilla cream (no chocolate flavor though really, it’s more the mouthfeel than anything). I’d ALMOST say a cinnamon heart, however I’m not a fan of those, and this is more chili than cinnamon. It’s definitely got kick – like Kapha from TeaGschwendner kick – so JustJames, I’ll refrain from sending you, or anyone else who doesn’t like hot things any of this. Sil, OMGsrsly however? You’re both getting some. ;)

Flavors: Chocolate, Cinnamon, Cream

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

awesome! I didn’t actually realise they do international orders…i’ll have to keep that in mind for the future


I’ve only seen the T2 teas mentioned a couple of times I’m guessing due to location. Sounds like a treat.


Oh goody! :D

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drank Melbourne Breakfast by T2
13 tasting notes

So I had read all the hype about Melbourne Breakfast on Steepster, and there is a just-opened T2 down the road. But I already have a vanilla and rose flavoured black, and a vanilla and strawberry favoured green. Really, it’s best that I exercise a little discipline. But then, lo! Left in the communal kitchen area of my workplace was a huge, Free-To-Good-Home pile of Melbourne breakfast tea bags! Well, this was a little different to the usual bench offerings I must say. I haven’t seen loot like this since the day some anonymous Green Thumb plonked several paddocks worth of fresh basil, parsley and mint on the table in adorable brown paper bags. The vanilla note is clear and warming, the black bold and fresh. I may have grabbed a larger-than-fair handful and stashed it under my desk for later.

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drank Ceylon FBOPF EX SP by T2
1024 tasting notes

I think this blend is around a year and a half old, but I got a couple of sample sachets in a swap (a REAL LIFE swap!) with my friend the other day and I’ll be darned if I’m going to do a sipdown without actually getting to add the tea to my cupboard and then remove it again.

So the all-caps isn’t just gibberish and stands for Flowery Broken Orange Pekoe Fannings Extra Special. Sure. OK. Googling seems to show it was ranked an 80 (“Very Good: a tea with superior characteristics”) in the US tea championship 2013? Good for it…

It smells like delicious chocolate. Tastes pretty chocolatey for a plain black tea, too! Yum. I think this is what you’d call a single origin tea? Hahaha.

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drank Red Choc Mint by T2
1501 tasting notes

Had this quite a few times over the past few days. I really wish there was more chocolate in this. The tea is nice, it’s just… lacking choco. Phooey.

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 30 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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drank Red Choc Mint by T2
1501 tasting notes

This is the tea that exploded ALL over my kitchen, and the one I made the order for initially. Bah!

It’s more mint than chocolate, and while the peppermint is quite lovely with little red rooibos taste at all (and zero itchy throat as I find I get of late with red rooibos), the chocolate needs amping up a whole lot for it to be a go-to. It’s still tasty, and I have a feeling it would be an excellent latte and cold brew.

Flavors: Cocoa

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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drank Tulsi Red Magic by T2
1501 tasting notes

Eh… not enjoying this today. All I’m getting are cigarette ashes. There had better not be maté in this… (Keeping the rating the same, just in case it’s me tonight with an issue).

Flavors: Ash

200 °F / 93 °C 8 min or more 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

Yikes! I had a latte from a local coffee shop that tasted like that to me. I never went back!

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drank Tulsi Red Magic by T2
1501 tasting notes

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drank Tulsi Red Magic by T2
1501 tasting notes

Woot! My T2 order arrived today, and I’m over the moon. This is the most I’ve ever paid for tea (due to shipping) even with the massive BF orders for multiple people last year. So this is the first tea I’m trying, because I’m craving some tulsi right now.

First, the packaging: amazing! All of the teas came in a black box, kept together with a magnet. Everything, including the paper packaging to keep things from shifting during transit, had T2 written on it in black on black. Super classy. Then the tea came in boxes with T2 prominently displayed, all lined up in a pretty row. Inside however, the tea came in basic, clear plastic wrap, with zero way to zip it back up again. Not cool, and the brittle plastic broke already with one of the teas, making a huge mess with a lot of expensive tea. Boo. Note for next time (if I order again): buy the tea in tins.

On to the tea! It’s an odd yet comforting blend. Herbal cream with some faint cacao/chocolate in there is what I’m getting. Something dry at the end, which I’m attributing to the tulsi. Yep, for what this is, it’s quite excellent.

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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drank Gorgeous Geisha by T2
1024 tasting notes

Got this as a sample with my latest T2 online order. It’s fine for a flavoured green, I just don’t care much for flavoured greens. Sipdown done and dusted.

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drank Cocoa Loco by T2
1024 tasting notes

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drank Cocoa Loco by T2
1024 tasting notes

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drank Rose by T2
1 tasting notes

This tea is an interesting one. Of all the three limited edition blends released for T2’s #gentea campaign, this was the one I wanted to try the most, all of the ingredients looked like they would appeal to me immensely. I bought all three on a whim at T2 today, and this is the first one I’ve opened (naturally, since I wanted to try it so bad). It wasn’t on tasting in store, so I had no idea what to expect.

I opened the box (which is beautiful, by the way, I would buy them for the boxes alone, but that’s just me), and took a whiff. I almost fainted. And not in a good way. The first thing that hit me was this scent of chocolaty cream, which the first thing I was reminded of was Baileys Irish Cream. And I am NOT a drinker. It could be an olfactory response triggered in my system somewhere but this made me almost feel sick. Not a good start for poor Bree.

However, if YOU love Baileys, and other creamy sweet related liqueurs, this scent will be right up your alley. Unfortunately I couldn’t smell much else, as going in with the nose seemed like I was daring somebody to make me puke, so I decided the trial would be in the tasting.

My best description of the brew colour is a gorgeous caramel-ey orangey red, unlike anything I have ever seen before. I love my fruit infusions, but this was something different, looking into it you can’t quite figure out what it is. But it IS pretty.

The Bailey’s scent has died down a tad now. I’m brave enough for a proper smell, and I can smell rose, chocolate and strawberry. Quite pleasant.

This was brewed quite strongly, for the amount of water there was, but I wanted to try get as much out of my first taste as possible. First sips I immediately could note rose petals, strawberry, tartness from the apple pieces, sweet chocolate flavour and a hit of beetroot. The apple flavour lingers in the back of your mouth after swallowing, which is quite nice if you’re an apple fan like me. All other florals mentioned in the tea description seemed lost, to me, but then again my palette might not be quite trained enough to sense them yet.

It was nice. Drinkable. Sweet, naturally. For a name such as Rose, I wish the rose and florals were more prominent. The chocolate and fruit flavours working together is a welcome surprise though, for so long I have longed to taste chocolate and strawberry together in a drink, and I got my wish with this one.

This is definitely a fruit tea to me and I think more than anything the other florals were included to bulk up the volume and add a range of colours to the dry leaf to make it look enticing. Which is totally does. It’s just a shame I can’t smell the damned dry leaf without wanting to rush for a bucket.

As I said all along, this tea is interesting. I’ve never encountered something which was so horrible (IMHO) in some elements, and downright delightful in others. The taste is lovely, only thing would be certain elements get drowned out, and are probably there for show. Smell, well, you know. And the liquor itself is the prettiest thing I have seen in a long time.

I can honestly say I’m glad I bought it and gave it a go. And I will definitely be finishing the box. But is it worth stocking up before limited time is up? No. I don’t think. Not for me anyway. Having my cupboard smell like Baileys would probably kill me.

Flavors: Chocolate, Cream, Flowers, Stewed Fruits

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 17 OZ / 500 ML

Very brave of you to buy all three without sampling! I’m way too picky for that.


Wow, I finally opened my box of Rose and you nailed it on the Baileys comment. I hadn’t noticed the scent in store but wow does it ever come out of a fresh batch!

Hannah F.

Irish Cream is actually my favorite coffee additive. I’m intrigued how a rose tea could evoke Bailey’s.

(Kiki, I’ve been trying to get in touch with you – your askbox on tumblr is borked, and the system here is nuts)

Kiki Libertine

Haha. I didn’t even know my Tumblr had an ask. >.<
My apologies. I shall have to try and check my notifications more often.

Hannah F.

I tagged you. I saw you wanted to try the Strawberry Bliss Chai, and I have a bagged & sealed sample that I don’t want. I’m happy to mail it to you!


Strawberry Bliss is great. Nuts, but great.

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drank Detox by T2
6 tasting notes

A very nice, relaxing tea that settles the nerves, and calms the body. It also has excellent nutrition value.

175 °F / 79 °C 4 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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