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drank Rose by T2
1024 tasting notes

Time to get through the last stocks of this blend, as much as I love it! I don’t think it ever got added to the permanent collection, which is sad. I polished off a full cold brew 2L jug in one day today so in goes another one overnight, and I polished off a regular old hot mug for dessert tonight too. Somebody stop me.


Love The Mask reference there :P


You got me ;P

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drank Rose by T2
1024 tasting notes

And I’ve moved back onto some Rose for an evening brew, now that I’m done with Cool Bananas.

I’m not the first to say it, but Rose, as a name, really doesn’t suit this blend. There’s so much more going on. Some might say too much more, but I’m an apologist for this tea. Great for sweettooths.

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drank Rose by T2
1024 tasting notes

Hmm. Something about tonight’s cup tasted off.

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drank Rose by T2
1024 tasting notes

Took an overnight cold brew of this to work today and went slightly crazy for it. Dang. This is a keeper. I hate it when limited editions are keepers.

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drank Rose by T2
1024 tasting notes

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drank Rose by T2
1024 tasting notes

Hey old friend! Brought my canister of this back to work today for a sweet afternoon treat.

Celeste Alice

Definitely got to try this!
Do you know if it’s still available?


It was one of the May feature teas—some stores might still have some stocks remaining but it’s gone from the online store already :( do you have a store nearby?

Celeste Alice

I live in England sadly, and they only just opened up a store in Shoreditch London. Which is fantastic, but since they’re new they don’t have any of the older specials.
I’m actually coming over to Brisbane in September though and will definitely be heading to the store there. They might even have some left, but I won’t get my hopes up :)


Oh man, the London store! That’s very exciting. And Brisbane’s my old stomping ground :D

I could probably swing a sample of this your way!

Celeste Alice

The London store is absolutely beautiful! True to T2’s zen like interior and located in such a trendy spot. I chatted to the ladies in there and they were telling me how well it’s took off over here. Fun fact, tea is one of the only things we don’t tax on from abroad, which means they were able to keep the same Australian prices- just converted to English pounds of course!
That’s very generous for you to offer a sample. I wouldn’t want to trouble you though!

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drank Rose by T2
1024 tasting notes

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drank Rose by T2
1024 tasting notes

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drank Rose by T2
1024 tasting notes

It’s funny, I kind of mostly bought this at the time because my friends were all buying up the Mother’s Day promotional teas and I figured I’d better grab one as well. A few weeks down the track and this has become the herbal I turn to lately! Sweet and delicious and full of awesome complementary flavours. I’m glad I got sent a second box for free, lucky lucky!

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drank Rose by T2
1024 tasting notes

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drank Rose by T2
1024 tasting notes

Ok. Look. I bought a box of this at the T2 Mother’s Day event the other week because I couldn’t resist the plush packaging, and I preferred the sweeter notes of this blend compared to the other two (Fuchsia and Ruby, both far more tart and obnoxious). My friends thought it hilarious that I would choose the most understated, something something my personality something something those jerks. =P


I was going to keep it in the top of the cupboard until I’d gotten through some more open options, but I don’t feel like I have enough caffeine free options available right now, and I love a post-dinner tea but have been having some sleep troubles lately (she types at 2am). Plus there is the fact that I actually received a second box of this (and a storage container, and a pair of teacups and saucers!) as a thank you from the company for filling out some forms to do with them using an Instagram photo of mine in a potential future book they’re publishing. Well, the book’s gone on the back burner for now, but I was quick off the mark getting my form in so thanks via presents was still in order.

So yeah. Long story short, Rose is open and away from the other two blends released in this same promotion I find she is still crazy full of flavour. I get all three—rose, chocolate and fruit. I find chocolate strongest on the nose and fruit strongest on the tongue but all three are in there.

And KikiLibertine is bang on the money about the dry leaf smelling of Baileys. SO WEIRD. And now I want Baileys. It’s been a while… so creamy.


Sounds pretty good!


Definitely one of the better balanced blends I’ve tasted from these guys for a while.

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drank Toasty Warm by T2
2201 tasting notes

Mmm, another tasty tea from MissB! Thanks! I am really loving nougat-based teas lately… where have they been all my life? Oh right, Canada, apparently. This is an oolong + nougat so I am definitely interested.

I am basically comparing this to Divine Temptation from Bayswater Tea Co., which OMGsrsly sent to me once, and which has a black base. This is quite tasty, with a good amount of nougat flavor. My one wish for this one is that for more oolong! This seems like the base is probably a traditional tieguanyin, but it’s a little lackluster. I want more roastiness and breadiness. A higher quality oolong base would send this one over the edge. Maybe I should try it steeping at boiling, which has become my default temp for most oolongs; the steeping instructions called for 80°C (~175°F), but I wouldn’t dream of steeping an oolong that cool! They are more robust than people think.

So this is a very tasty tea, but I do prefer the black base of Divine Temptation because I think it’s a bit more interesting. Will play with my steeping parameters a bit and see how things change! Thanks MissB!

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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drank Red Choc Mint by T2
4 tasting notes

Mmmm…. just like a mint slice biscuit, although better without milk.

Boiling 2 min, 45 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 350 ML

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drank Chilli Kiss by T2
4 tasting notes

Chilli, tea and cinnamon are three of my favourite things so this tea is perfect for me. It’s a spicy black tea with quite a kick and I think it’s a great winter warmer. I like mine with a dash of milk for a little richness.

Boiling 2 min, 45 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 350 ML

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drank Arctic Fire by T2
4 tasting notes

This tea has fruity and floral notes with a mint aftertaste that I can’t quite get used to. This one is not for me, I think. I’ve tried it hot and chilled and I definitely prefer it chilled, but fairly weak and with a shot of vodka :)

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drank Melbourne Breakfast by T2
4 tasting notes

I love this tea! It is a gorgeously sweet black tea and I often enjoy a cup with milk as a late night sweet treat instead of chocolate or cake.

Flavors: Vanilla

Boiling 2 min, 45 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 350 ML

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drank Green Rose by T2
1 tasting notes

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drank French Earl Grey by T2
15 tasting notes

Mild, less-than-medium-bodied fruity twist on the classic Earl Grey – for the fruity side of any tea enthusiast :)

Flavors: Flowers, Fruit Tree Flowers, Orange Zest, Peach

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 17 OZ / 500 ML

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drank Pu-Erh Blue Lemon by T2
1501 tasting notes

Trying to decide what teas to sell, and what teas to hold onto for dear life ;) so I tried this one again.

Nope, nope, nope. Should’ve rinsed again, it’s super earthy, and I just didn’t get anything blueberry or lemon out of it. I really, really wanted to.

Perhaps if I had more patience with it? I didn’t last night though, I just wanted a comforting cup. This wasn’t it.

Flavors: Earth

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML


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drank Pu-Erh Blue Lemon by T2
1501 tasting notes

I should have rinse this before drinking it – it’s very potent, although less earthy than many of the puerhs I’ve had. Less flavor than I was expecting as well. I’d normally think this was a straight puerh than a flavored one. Also, it brewed up a purplish black.

The steeping instructions here and on the website are very different than on the packaging; I’ll have to review that first next time and use those instructions instead. Leaving the rating off for now.

Flavors: Earth

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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drank Terrific Toffee by T2
109 tasting notes

I agree with the other reviewer that this has a definite note of candied cherry. In fact, I personally taste about 3.5 parts candied cherry to 1 part toffee. It is a very sweet tea on its own and nicely balanced with some milk but I wouldn’t add sugar. Tea base could have more structure, but it tastes exactly as it smells which is actually somewhat impressive for a flavoured tea. Dessert fans, this is for you!

Boiling 4 min, 15 sec 2 tsp 15 OZ / 450 ML

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drank Choc Chip Chai by T2
1501 tasting notes

This smells strongly of cardamom, and tastes mostly of it as well. While I like cardamom, it makes the tea too drying for me, way too drying. Zero chocolate as well, which really blows considering T2’s other flavored blends are quite yummy.

As I may have mixed this poorly before steeping, I’ll try again and leave the rating off for now.

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 30 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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drank Cherry Coco by T2
1 tasting notes

Being new to the Green tea scene, I never really understood why most green tea tasted bad to me, then I went into T2 and they told me about how boiling water makes green tea bitter, with that in mind I decided to try this… AND I’M IN LOVE WITH IT.

its smooth, sweet and delicious all alone… Hints of Cherry and Coconut… its a great way to start my day, and my immune system loves me for it <3

180 °F / 82 °C 6 min, 30 sec 2 tsp 13 OZ / 375 ML

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drank Creme Brulee by T2
1501 tasting notes

If caramel and hazelnuts were to have a tea baby with vanilla as Auntie, this would be that tea.

Flavors: Caramel, Nuts, Vanilla

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

Excellent description!




sounds really great !

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