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I was being impatient and didn’t want to wait for tea to steep so I made this instant treat and iced it. It is sweet and juicy and tastes like apple juice. T2 suggests lemon with this and I can definitely see how this would improve the cup as it would cut the sweetness just a touch. Still, it is a pleasant cuppa so thank you Memily for sharing with me.
Another tea from MissB oh to be involved in all the crazy things she is! :) Miss you!
This one is an interesting tea. I wasn’t quite sure what i was smelling when i brewed it, but the first few sips of this were for sure apricot. the mint addition to this one is a really interesting take on a tea and one that i’m fond of. There’s something neat about sipping on a tea that smells like fruit and summer and then tastes more like winter heh. I am a fan :)
Another tea from missB i figured i should try some of the chais, she and others have sent me or i’ll never get to them until the fall lol Chai tends to be more of what i want in the winter than summer. Although, some of these days i should make it traditional style and then ice it…that might be delicious!
Anyway, i didn’t get much chocolate from this one but that might have beendue to the ration of things in the sample. Instead i had a relatively pleasaant cup of chai tea that had just a little more star anise than i would normally want, but was still tasty. I wish id though to add just a bit of cacao shells to it but it didn’t occur to me until after.
thanks missb!
A faithful representation of authentic Japanese Gen Mai Cha, right down to the delightful popping sounds during steeping and the subtle nuances of the sencha masked by the robust flavour of the rice :)
Flavors: Smoked, Toasted Rice
Had this a few times now.
I’ve oversteeped and overleafed it, understeeped and underleafed it, made it with regular milk and soy milk, drank it with and without sugar, and straight as well.
Delicious every.single.time.
It means a lot to me when you can do whatever the heck you want with a tea and still have it taste so good.
This was limited edition and it sold out in most stores nationwide in mere weeks.
There are so many other teas I want to try but I bought a second box of this because once it’s gone, it’s gone. Unless it was super popular, which in that case they may add it to their permanent collection but no guarantees. Having said that, I have a feeling it will be brought back but I grabbed the very last box at my store anyway.
Have to comment on how damn pretty the leaves are as well. Dark and slightly twisted, with bright yellow strands weaved throughout, real banana pieces and bold red flecks.
Bring it back, T2. Please. Pretty please.
There’s too much going on here. I guess that’s why this frenzy of flavours is described as Riotous.
Made this iced and it was quite tart and strong, but when toned down with more water and sweetened with Turkish Cherry sugar, it becomes much more pleasant and kind of like a Strawberries & Cream soft lolly. However, this blend seems to need a lot of experimentation to get right and I’d rather have a drink that tastes great straight off the bat.
I bought this lovely little tea from T2 yesterday (along with their adorable Dippy cup, I love this mug so damn much already). I don’t think it’s the most unique or stand out blend I’ve encountered, but it seems steadfast and a reliable tea to reach for when I’m stressed. I’m very keen to try this iced in summer, but I’m enjoying drinking this as a heated brew in the late morning.
Flavors: Mint
I bought this as a replacement for my beloved Brisbane Breakfast. The taste isn’t as cohesive as that one is, and the kiwi is subtle enough to be barely noticeable. It’s fine if you like blends, but I’m missing my Brissie.
I’ve been contemplating purchasing this tea ever since a dear friend recommended it. However I was a little dubious about the kiwi being too prominent, so I’m glad to hear you say it’s more on the subtle side. Think I’ll be picking this up next time I’m in store :)
I’m not unfortunately, currently in England for the time being. However I’ll be moving to Brisbane in September. Would that still be possible for you? If not no worries at all, it was a super generous offer regardless :)
If this was a real, unflavoured milk oolong I would probably be blown away by it’s richness and marvel at the buttery toffee notes. But it isn’t. And as such I find myself somewhat put off – nay, offended – by the intensity of flavour! Flavour which is a pretty poor approximation of real Milk Oolong.
Spraying ‘milk oolong’ with artificial flavour is a pretty common practice in China where cheap oolongs are boosted to make them appear like their rich buttery milk oolong counterparts, but T2? Really? I’m disappointed. For those not concerned with flavouring though I will stop ranting and proceed with the tasting notes:
Aroma: Distinct and unsubtle with big whacks of toffee, honey, buttery shortbread and some nuttiness. All enviable characteristics in a (supposed) milk oolong, but somehow this tea misses the target and instead delivers its own distinct flavour profile that some may love (and clearly do) and others (myself) may be put off by.
Flavour: Similar to the aroma, with a rich aftertaste and big creamy mouthfeel. Whilst there are aspects of the taste I find appealing the I still can’t help but be put off by the overall effect. This is a tea for those who love big brash flavour.
Overall: Probably not a bad place to start for those who are new to green tea (or like flavoured teas). As for me, I’m wondering how I will get through the rest of my box…
$22 / 100g
Flavors: Honey, Nutty, Toffee
As mentioned on other Cocoa Loco teas, this smells better than it tastes. It requires a lot more steeping and doubling (at least) of the amount brewed to get any real flavour from it. If you have it with milk, use hot milk rather than cold otherwise it will be too watery.
Flavors: Chocolate, Mint, Spearmint
As mentioned in my tasting note about Cocoa Loco Orange, this smells delicious but doesn’t live up to it in flavour. Very watery when brewed in accordance with the instructions. I suggest doubling the amount of tea and brewing time and use hot milk instead of cold.
Flavors: Chocolate
Smells divine, but you need to use waaaayyy more than is suggested and steep it for a good 10 minutes to get much flavour. I’ve been told these Cocoa Loco teas are best used blended with other teas, which I find disappointing given the price ($35 for a gift set of this, Mint and plain, each of which was only a tiny package).
To get the most flavour, I’d suggest you at least double the amount suggested (which is one teaspoon) and pack it into your infuser very tightly. Brew for 10 minutes instead of the recommended 5-7, and serve with heated milk.
Despite my criticism, it does satisfy the chocolate craving :)
Flavors: Chocolate, Orange Zest
noms. spicy kickass tea from missB via omgsrsly heh. Pulled this one out today to try and get a handle on my overflowing cupboard. I’m doing well with sipdowns, but not well enough if i actually want to get to 50 by year end lolz. still a fan of this one, so nice to have it back in my cupboard until it’s gone.
Final Count: 116
THIS! THIS TEA! thank you missB this is a great spicy, delicious, yummy tea. Someone equated this to really intense cinnamon hearts but for me, it’s not nearly as sugary as those are. this is KICK without the sweet to back it up. this is smooth and spicy and just the right balance of kerpow! without being “omg get it out of my mouth ‘cause i’m a wuss and can’t drink really spicy things” :)
I think it also had Toasty Nougat in it? It made for a yummy, yummy mixture – they serve it with sugar and soy milk (usually vanilla).
It’s an expensive order to make (my bad for just seeing this now) – from New Zealand. I have lots more, I’ll send you some!
Shana Tova!