Southern Breeze

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Bag from a TTB. This is much fruitier than I expected! The spearmint is pretty bright as well. The base is slightly murky, but not bad. I’m a fake sweetener fan, and even I can taste how strong it is here, so I’m sure that would bother some people. This isn’t bad, but it would need some tweaks for it to be better.

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Cold Brew Sipdown (536)!

This one was so sweet that I couldn’t finish more than one or two sips of it. I was literally gagging because of the intensity and I can’t possibly imagine a situation in which ANYONE would fine this tea to be enjoyable. Finishing it off is such a huge relief. I’ll be happy if I never experience another tea from this company for the rest of my tea drinking life…

Mastress Alita

And sadly, that just makes me curious to taste it… not, mind, to have to drink a whole cup of it…

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Cold Brew!

Ugh, Southern Breeze strikes again!

I cold brewed this one for less than four hours because I was so scarred to get a sickly sweet brew like the other Southern Breeze tea that I received from VariaTEA! Like, they really nail the “sweet” part of Southern Sweet Tea. Anyway – even after such a short steep this was still sweet to the point where it’s just unbearable. SO CLOYING. That said, it does taste like raspberry so at least it’s accurate in that regard. That’s something, right? RIGHT!?

Anyway – I made it through a third of the brew and honestly I was just gonna toss it out but I actually found three coworkers who thought it was absolutely AMAZING! I personally think they’re insane, but hey that means that there’s at least someone out there that actually enjoys this insanely awful tea. It also saved me from having to toss this out, which was less wasteful and that’s always good.


If I’m being honest, I never even tried this one. I gave some away and then tossed the rest. Sorry to you and anyone else who has felt victimized by Southern Breeze and their cloying mess they call Tea.

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drank Sweet Tea by Southern Breeze
15575 tasting notes

gross hahaha. Thanks for letting me try this VariaTEA you know me, always up for new epxeriences. Maybe someday you’ll find someone who likes this but it’s not going to be me! :)

Final count: 72


Or me. I wonder who would. I have a raspberry one I am a little terrified of trying.


haha ew

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drank Sweet Tea by Southern Breeze
16950 tasting notes

Cold Brew Sipdown (139)!

Well VariaTea I’ve figured out the trick to making this one palatable! The secret is to drink it when you’re really sick and stuffy, and can’t taste very well in the first place. It’s easy, really. You just need to get sick every time you want to make a pitcher.


But also, making a GIANT ASS MOTHERFUCKING PITCHER instead of just a 25 oz. cold brew, and only letting it steep for four hours instead of your typical twelve also helps a lot. It is kind of crazy though ‘cause even with all those extra precautions and the fact I’m sick and my palate is a little out of whack I can still tell that this is crazy levels of sweet and gross. It’s something to drink and keep me hydrated right now though, and the combo of extra precautions and sickness has made it palatable so I’ll probably finish the whole pitcher, surprisingly.

I wont miss it when it’s gone, though.

Song Pairing:

This song deserves to be paired with a better tea, to be honest. It’s fun and catchy, which is not what this tea is. Regardless of that, it’s what I’m listening to atm though. Someone should help me figure out who the singer reminds me of though; an actor or something? I can’t place it right now but he looks SO familiar.


I feel like this about Teapigs Liquorice and Peppermint. I hope you feel better soon!


This tea just doesn’t work for me, no matter what. I feel like it might be okay for those who don’t pick up on the sweetener flavor but alas I am not one of those people. Clearly you aren’t either.

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drank Sweet Tea by Southern Breeze
16950 tasting notes

This is a queued tasting note.

Thank you VariaTEA for the sample – I made a pitcher of this to bring in with me to work on Saturday in a jug to stay hydrated since Saturday is the day I work where I’m the only one in the back production area. I don’t know about it though. I mean, the amount I had to water it down for it to just be drinkable was A LOT because it was just insanely, cloyingly sweet. Like how I imagine drinking the syrup concentrate of Nestea or Brisk before they mix in the water would be.

I probably shouldn’t hate on it too much ‘cause it was EXACTLY like what it was supposed to be and tasted pretty well like any “traditional” Sweet Tea I’ve ever been served/offered. So the accuracy is/was there. I just didn’t like it all that much.

Song Pairing:

I listened to a lot of Gorillaz on Saturday. There was really no thought to the pairing, though: I just thought the vibes of the tea and music kind of fit nicely and it was good music to work to/maintain a good pace with.

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drank Sweet Tea by Southern Breeze
6444 tasting notes

I had no idea what I was in for when I tried this but what I got was essentially caramel syrup with splenda’s aftertaste. Blech! This was cloying and over-the-top and the pitcher got dumped. I am sure watering it down might have helped tone down the sweetness but alas the Splenda would remain and the aftertaste is not something I can easily get past.


You are such a trooper! Now we don’t have to suffer the same fate. Thank you!

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