Red Blossom Tea Company

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I might be in love with this as a cold brew. I have a giant pitcher of this in my fridge at the moment and it’s how i fully intend to drink the rest of this up as i love this as a cold brew. I had three glasses of this tonight with dinner and with a splash of lemonade added to it, it’s super perfect.

Iced 8 min or more

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Cold brew of this one and I am loving it! With a bit of lemon and sugar this is the perfect basic iced tea.


Formosa with lemon?! I must try this


it just adds a bit of yum to the tea. I’m sure it would be similar for most black teas that are cold brewed. it just worked really well with this one, so i’ll likely finish the rest of what i have by cold brewing heh


Huh. I’ve never had lemon in anything except for black tea. My curiosity is piqued!

Terri HarpLady

I never add lemon to any of my teas, not even iced. I do, however, love lemon in my water! :)


Terri, lemon water is da best!!

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Having a cup of this as it’s a milder black that doesn’t demand my attention this morning either. I’ve got a ton of things to finish up before the day really gets going and i’m in back to back meetings so i wanted a few cups of tea to kick off the day that i could just absent mindedly drink. I still enjoy this tea, though as i’ve branched out and tried a number of other teas, i think i like this one a little less now. I haven’t yet had a chance to drink it gongfu style yet though, and i suspect i’d get more out of it by doing so. Overall though, i am happy with this purchase :)

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I figured i’d better give this a shot since it’s out to at least Kittenna from the weekend and i haven’t even tried it yet. I can’t remember what prompted me to pick this one up when i was in sanfrancisco as i wasn’t even really sure about my tea preferences, but pick it, i did.

I must say that i guessed on the amount of tea to put in this one since i don’t have a scale (shush kittenna!). Whatever the case though, it’s turned out quite nice. This tea is unbelivably sweet, but not in an artificial way. It’s not a strong, bold black…instead there’s a fruity, breadiness? to the tea. There’s no bitterness. I’m not entirely sure how to describe this…in part because we’re having system issues at work again and i’m focused on that. I’m looking forward to a few additional steeps tonight when i get home though. I also really want to do this in a gaiwan when it comes because i think this will be a much more interesting experience that way.


I’ve had this too and it’s really good!


I think Raritea grabbed some as well. Hopefully I will try mine soon – this is a high rating from you! :P


I did take some and now I’m more excited than ever to try it!


Bonnie – yeah i saw your tasting note. I couldn’t do this nearly the justice that you did heh.


I have some formosa you might like Sil, it’s a bit old but its yours if you want it!


Sil, I tend to blab on when I enjoy a good tea!

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This is another sample that came with an online purchase. The first time I tried this tea I also did not taste apples/applesauce the company’s website speaks of, but this time, on the second steeping I did. It was not the juicy tart flavor of fresh apples, but the flavor of peeled and cooked apples. Interesting! It has strong floral vegetal notes, none that I found unpleasant or too strong. A very nice tea.

195 °F / 90 °C 0 min, 30 sec

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This is another delicious Wuyi tea from Red Blossom. I prepared this gongfu style using a porcelain gaiwan. I would love to do a side-by-side tasting against come of their other Wuyi cultivars to find out why people consider it to be so special, but I only had a small sample and decided to appreciate it on its own and not to try to analyze the experience.

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec

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My adorable dachshund grabbed this sample off of my shelf the other day, and I took it as a sign that it was time to try it. I drank this from a tea bowl, as the company’s website says it was first served to them that way. The first aromas I noted were artichokes and green apples. I could also taste artichoke strongly. There are floral notes that I can’t put my finger on too. This tea is lightly creamy, and when all of the broth is gone, the leaves smell sweetly tart like citric acid. Very enjoyable!

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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This tea was sent to me as a sample. Very nice!

200 °F / 93 °C 0 min, 15 sec

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A tasty wuyi – a beautiful roasted taste.

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This straw-colored brew has an intensely floral aroma with assertive honeysuckle notes and an underlying boxwood musk. The liquor is lightly sweet with a jarring alkaline finish—not soapy enough to be disagreeable but leaving me wishing it were less so.

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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This was my first Pu-erh. When I first acquired it, I was slightly overwhelmed by its earthy intensity. I drank it with curiosity but not with gusto. Six months later, I have returned to it with very pleasing results. It brews deep tawny and wafts a pleasing fug of damp earth and leaves. The liquor is slightly smoky and surprisingly clean with a suggestion of mushroom. A hint of sweetness lingers on the back of the palate. This is an acquired taste that is well worth getting used to. I look forward to trying other fermented teas.

This tea lends itself well to numerous infusions; the sweetness fades, but the aroma of autumn leaves further develops. I increase the time by thirty seconds for each subsequent steeping.

205 °F / 96 °C 1 min, 0 sec

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I’ll be quick, since I’m writing this note from a sample (which I usually don’t do) but it’s been a while since a tea literally blew my mind (and taste buds).

I brewed this using the tea bowl style, I usually never do but this one was calling for it. Unique candy sweet taste, with a thick and full texture that fills your mouth and a long lingering sugary sweet aftertaste. I am honestly in awe of how good this tea is. It subtle yet intensely flavorful at the same time. First three infusions were definitely the best (I just refilled the bowl with more water after running out of tea).

This is perhaps the only time I’ll get to taste this since $60 for 2 oz is just way over my budget in tea, but i’ll remember this one for a long time.

205 °F / 96 °C

They are sooo pricey!

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Dirt in the rain, slight butterscotch marshmallow…

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

Sweet, nutty, garden with wild grass and lemon finish.

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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Post rain morning. Steep #2. Divine.

205 °F / 96 °C

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One of my favorites. I steep this many times over (learned this from Chaikhana, presently Hidden Peak Teahouse), and the sweetness resonates beautifully. It is a complex puerh that has earthen notes. Hailing from 1997, this tea really is Grand! It’s a high quality puerh. One that you feel may have transcendental affects…like float out your window on a cloud…a tea that makes you glad to be alive. Ok, ok, it’s my favorite. I accept that now.

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

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drank Chai by Red Blossom Tea Company
15575 tasting notes

SIPDOWN! (225) it’s colder today so i’m opting for a bit of chai. I finally remembered to try this one steeped in milk so that makes me super happy. This is for sure a chai that i prefer steeped in water with a bit of milk and honey added after the fact. I think it’s because of the citrus in this chai that becomes slightly muted when steeped in milk. It’s not BAD in milk, it’s just that part of what i love about this chai is the orange/citrus aspect of it! yay for a wonderful time drinking up this tea from red blossom.

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drank Chai by Red Blossom Tea Company
15575 tasting notes

rainy mornings = chai since that’s the only time it feels cold enough for me to want to drink chai. It’s not a summer drink for me, but at least now i know that heh

Terri HarpLady

I love Chai any time! Last summer I had an iced chai habit that was crazy. When it was cold it was hot chai latte. I haven’t been drinking much chai lately, but whenever I do, I love it.

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drank Chai by Red Blossom Tea Company
15575 tasting notes

mmmmm sipping on a cup of this today after being out in the downpour. We walked to the grocery store in the rain and after getting back. this is exactly the tea i wanted. It’s not cold outside but it offered that spicey warmth to warm me up from the cool rain and coming in to dry off. I added a bit of milk and sweetner to this and it is delicious! i like the slightly citrus edge that is in this chai without being overpowering. For sure one of top chai teas.

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drank Chai by Red Blossom Tea Company
15575 tasting notes

mmm had a tasty tasty cup of this in the morning with a splash of milk and sweetner. It’s warming up, so i won’t be overly inclined to drink chai moving forward, so it’s nice to be able to drink it when the urge strikes. Still enjoying the blend of these spices!

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drank Chai by Red Blossom Tea Company
15575 tasting notes

grrrr steepster. Imma drop kick you.


Haha! It has been off a lot lately. :)


Honestly, it’s better than that time a year or so ago when it took approximately 500 years for every page to load, no matter what. :P But yes, it has defintiely been frustrating lately.


Holy crap, the Dashboard just froze again. Jeez.


Eh, maybe it didn’t freeze actually. Definitely wonky stuff going on.


lol i was jstu frustrated since i’d tried to post a note 7 times. So i gave up haha

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drank Chai by Red Blossom Tea Company
15575 tasting notes

I had this today over board games and tea time with the girls, though to be fair they did all the tea drinking. I’m still suffering from stupid tastebuds being wonky so i got to drink a whole lot of water, juice and everthing not tea! But i did get a cup of this in since chai seems to break through the tastebud haze. really looking forward to the tea that everyone shared! Thanks for the great time guys! (and delicious cookies raritea!)


Oh yes the cookies were divine! but so was the mac n cheese!! :P

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drank Chai by Red Blossom Tea Company
15575 tasting notes

Holy sneezes and running nose this morning! I’m not sick but it’s almost like i’m allergic (probably to work). Finished a glorious weekend of working all weekend and now it’s back to the grind. Looking forward to getting back to the gym tonight though so that’s something. I picked this tea today because while it’s a nice chai – there’s a hint of citrus going on with it that vaguely reminds me of mulled spiced apple cider. I’m hoping this, with my morning smoothie will help jump start my day.


I’m so jealous. I wish I could look forward to working out. Blech. Gimme a couch on which to potato any day. =)


Nik – i’m with you there. Sadly I was on an uphill/unhealthy eating/not getting exercise swing and made a change last january in terms of eating better. That helped a bunch and for the past few months we’re now working on the getting exercise thing. I carry most of my tension and stress in my neck/back so i’ve found this is really helping to counteract that. It’s always a struggle to get there, but i know by the end of it i’m usually happy that i’ve gone..even if it’s just for 30 mins.

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drank Chai by Red Blossom Tea Company
15575 tasting notes

Mmmm so i had this one this morning. After the incident with the tea yesterday I’m not confident in my ability to handle an open mug of tea at work anymore. Soooo the teas i’m drinking now have to be acceptable in larger quantites so i can put them in my sealed travel mug lol

I enjoy this chai quite a bit – it’s a little different than my others without being overly spicey.

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