PG Tips

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drank PG Tips Loose Leaf by PG Tips
3010 tasting notes

Ahhh…it’s back under my roof. Basic black, milk-welcoming, cold-weather staple that it is. Four lovely bulk ounces, minus a really, really heaping teaspoon to boot myself out the door this morning.

With apologies to Robert Frost — this tea is lovely, dark, and deep. I’ve miles to go before I sleep. Glad I’ve got this one close to hand.

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drank PG Tips Loose Leaf by PG Tips
3010 tasting notes

Continuing to enjoy the fact that a) I can actually find this inexpensively and loose leaf locally and b) You cannot ruin this tea, not by understeeping, oversteeping, being chintzy with the dry leaves, or spiking with condensed milk that’s just short of questionable expiration. It’s all good.


Wait, you can find this cheaply?!? Buy in bulk my friend, buy in bulk!!!


When trying to explain to my daughter’s boyfriend (who lives in Northern Ireland) the taste of a tea I was offering, I finally said, “Have you ever heard of PG Tips?” and he answered, “Of COURSE, I have!” This is very popular there! Some of our nicer groceries carry it but you can’t find it in many of them.


In my part of SW Missouri, most people’s idea of high-quality tea is flavored Lipton or grocery-store Tazo. So the ability to pick this up affordably at a little locally owned health food store is a real treat!


I missed that this is the loose leaf kind! I have to drive over 2 hours to get that….locally they only sell bags.

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drank PG Tips Loose Leaf by PG Tips
3010 tasting notes

Builders’ strength this morning, straight up, no additives. Lousy night’s sleep and need to fortify myself for my pack of fifth grade church kids. (Love ‘em, but they don’t ease into the room gently!)

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drank PG Tips by PG Tips
2 tasting notes

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drank PG Tips by PG Tips
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drank PG Tips by PG Tips
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drank PG Tips by PG Tips
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drank Pyramid Teabags by PG Tips
1 tasting notes

This is my “everyday” tea. I start every morning with a pot of PG Tips.
“..a delicious brew fit for a monkey.”

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drank Pyramid Teabags by PG Tips
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drank Pyramid Teabags by PG Tips
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drank Pyramid Teabags by PG Tips
1 tasting notes

Added a sprinkle of Scottish Breakfast from English Tea Store to round out the flavor. Strong and delicious.

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drank Pyramid Teabags by PG Tips
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drank English Breakfast by PG Tips
2 tasting notes

It’s pretty much the workhorse of black teas: nothing remarkable, but consistent every time. It’s my fall-back tea for when I need a morning kick.

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drank English Breakfast by PG Tips
3 tasting notes

The standard tea for the English cuppa. It’s as-advertised – reliable and fine. Nothing special, maybe, but never awful, either.

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drank English Breakfast by PG Tips
1 tasting notes

Is there any other tea? Well yes but this makes a fine cuppa

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drank Pyramid Teabags by PG Tips
1 tasting notes

PG Tips is a great tea with no bitter taste.It does not compete with the taste of the food but compliments any type of food or just by itself.I take it to work every morning!

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drank Pyramid Teabags by PG Tips
4 tasting notes

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drank English Breakfast by PG Tips
1 tasting notes

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drank Pyramid Teabags by PG Tips
1 tasting notes

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drank English Breakfast by PG Tips
1 tasting notes

My daily tea. Went to England and have been buying it from World Market ever since.

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