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I begrudgingly picked this up on Sunday. I know I don’t need more tea in my collection that I haven’t been eyeing (H&S, Bigelow’s holiday teas, T2…) but I grabbed 2oz of this because it was so cheap and who can’t resist coconut?

It’s so buttery and creamy. The coconut is rather mild, but it reminds me of coconut milk or cream – without the creamy consistency. I don’t normally fawn over white teas but this one is a clear winner over Adagio’s coconut.

Flavors: Butter, Coconut, Cream

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I picked this up from Grand Central Station today on my way out of the city in an effort to find a replacement favorite cherry tisane.

This one is good, not a replacement, but definitely welcome in my cupboard. The tea is definitely much more cranberry flavor (and a little bit of hibiscus and raspberry) with cherry undertones – as another steepsterite mentioned, it’s kind of like cranberry juice (and I’m totally okay with this!) and it’s very tart.

Flavors: Cherry, Cranberry, Hibiscus, Raspberry, Tart

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You know, I quite like this. The smell of the leaf is all cherry. The brew is a nice deep red. This tastes like warm cranberry juice with a cherry finish. It’s not as heavy as cranberry juice, but it doesn’t feel thin either. This would be a good winter evening tea for me. It just makes me think of curling up by a nice fireplace for some reason. I can see this being great as an iced tea, too.

Thanks for the taste, greenteafairy!

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Thanks, Greenteafairy, for this tea!

This was a very tart tisane- it tasted like unsweetened cherry juice. The cranberry taste started ut tasting like slightly stale cranberry, but it grew on me as I drank it. It was refreshing for the afternoon.

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This is one of my favorite hibiscus-based herbals. Although hibiscus is the strongest flavor here, I can also taste both cranberry (more) and cherry (less, although the aroma of the dry blend is all cherry). It’s quite sour, which I like. I’ve had this hot and iced, and while it’s good both ways I think it works better iced.

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A big thanks to greenteafairy for this sample.
My husband gives it a 100.

I like it better than the crimson berry tea that I recently logged, but not as much as plain hibiscus and certainly not as much as ‘real’ tea.

It has a lovely cherry smell, with a tart cranberry flavor. I will have to try it iced sometime too.

200 °F / 93 °C 6 min, 0 sec

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Saying goodbye to this one…klutzily knocked over the tin last night, which left me just enough for a farewell mug this morning. By far the nicest, gentlest ginger-peach combo I’ve sampled. One more thanks to TeaBird, who originally sent me this treat.

Michelle Butler Hallett

Oh, my sympathies on knocking over the tin. I did that woth some prized Assam not long ago and nearly cried.

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Craving a little gentle spice to get the eyes open this morning. This has a great “pie” vibe to it.

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Very, very, very pleasant iced! Doesn’t lose its peachiness at all.

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I don’t know what it is about sourdough toast and honey that makes this tea peachier, but a really nice breakfast combo!

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 45 sec

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Ginger Peach is very pretty to look at: some pretty blue-ish petals that remind me of cornflowers are scattered in with the black tea. The peach scent is deep—almost apricot. Steeped in the cup, Ginger Peach turns a dark golden brown. The flavor is heavy on the peach, light on the ginger, but altogether pleasantly fruity. Nice hot; should be very enjoyable on ice this summer.

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3 min, 0 sec

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This was one of those unusual almost-March mornings where it was warmer outside when I woke up than when I went to bed. So the tea o’the a.m. needed to be springy. After prowling through the light stuff that migrated to the back of the cabinet, I pulled this out and I’m glad I did.

Wonderfully sweet aroma, gently salad-y taste with a little Cheerios hint in the background. Ahh…I hear birds chirping! (I really do…come on, spring!!)


Oh I miss chirping birds too! I woke up to the screeching and crawing of crows, this morning—not very pleasant. I think they’ve scared off all the other birds!

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My experience with sencha is very limited, other than I knew it looks like lawn clippings. But the sweet and nutty flavor—really sweet for a green—surprised me. Thanks to Tea Bird for broadening my horizons!

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 45 sec

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drank Cocoa Creme by Oren's Daily Roast
3010 tasting notes

Bitter cold, sub-zero wind chill, and the general January mopes are driving me to swig copious quantities of every chocolate based tea in my pantry. Added a sloppy teaspoon of caramel syrup and not regretting it a bit. This is still the coffee-ist tea I’ve ever had, but I prefer the gentle caffeine buzz to the slam-you-up-against-the-wall a.m. jolt.

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drank Cocoa Creme by Oren's Daily Roast
3010 tasting notes

Another one that’s been in hibernation over the summer months; glad I could resurrect it. One of the closest-to-coffee teas I’ve ever had. And some groggy mornings, that’s a welcome thing.

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drank Cocoa Creme by Oren's Daily Roast
3010 tasting notes

Most definitely a coffee analog. Sweet on its own, but will try the next cuppa with some cream. It’s getting the eyes open this morning, for sure!

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 45 sec

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