Ocean of Tea
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Did your chewing gum lose it’s flavor on the bed post over night?
Well, this tea seems to have…at least the pre-infusion-aroma has been lost over time. Oh well…
After infusing I can smell the plum a little. The color is a vibrant purple-reddish-orange.
This is still decent tasting but a little bit on the light side and I over doubled the amount of loose leaf to infuse. Still satisfying tho.
What a nice aroma this has! Sweet Plum Oolong! Ooooo…LONG…
Sorry…I swear…I’ll stop…
sometime soon! LOL
Anyhow…I would agree with the other review as it resembling a WINE like taste. YUMMY. I infused for 3 minutes but might go (oooo) LONGer next time…just to compare strengths.
As is…this is nice and light and sweet and juicy and a hint of tart to make it a tasty flavored Oolong.
This is another MandyB Tea…thanks Mandy! I know you are a fan of Oolong so I really appreciate you parting with some of your stash!
Please don’t stop with the song reference! It totally made my day yesterday and got me through the second half of my work day, but I think some patrons were worried about my sanity and I muttered “you say oooh” as I shifted books ;)
LOL @ Rabs!
Karsh – What’s the story there…did they totally go out of business??? I’m new to Ocean of Tea!? I must have been a day late and a dollar short, eh!? eeeek
TeaEqualsBliss – I don’t know what’s going on with Ocean of Tea, but they completely dropped off the planet, it seems. I bought tea from them in 2008 and 2009, and I loved their Friday Twitter Tea Party sales. Where else could you get 2 oz. of Jasmine Pearls for $5? Amazing! They also had a lot of great teas. They’ve been dormant online since mid-2009. I hope they come back…
I see their website is still up
But I do see they were on twitter but haven’t posted since October!
Yup! Smells like Jam. Medium Reddish Brown in color. With all the flavors going on and the intense smell I was a little afraid BUT it’s fairly good…I’m really quite surprised all the ingredients ‘play nice’ and blend well. Because this surprises me so – I am going to rate fairly high…but I bet it would be better iced!
Another goodie from MandyB! Thanks girl!
Brewed up my last little bit of this from Ocean of Tea, and was not pleased. The resulting liquor was dank and sweaty like boiled sweatsocks. The taste was light and floral, but the smell completely overpowered it. Poured the rest down the drain. Blech.
I brewed a full pot of this once I received it, and I was blown away! This is a rich, wine-like tea. Nice red color, amazing aroma, and delicious plum flavor. I also picked up some nice raspberry flavors. And yes, it is EXCELLENT iced too! Amazingly good.
I wished Ocean of Tea was still shipping. This blend is too good to not order again.
I found an old tin of this I had stashed away at the back of my tea cabinet (for tea emergencies like today). What an amazing cup. Lemony, licorice-y, full-bodied, yet light enough to be a breakfast tea, and robust enough to be enjoyed iced as well. I need to find some more of this since Ocean of Tea has went AWOL.