International Tea Farm Allaince - KuriharaSeicha (Japan Yame)

Recent Tasting Notes


TeaEqualsBliss’s description of it tasting a lot of buttered lima beans is dead on. It has a short finish but while sipping is very round in the mouth, almost but not quite coating.

165 °F / 73 °C 0 min, 30 sec

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Easily the best Gyokuro I’ve ever tasted. Sweet and smooth and it has a thickness to it that is broth-y… however, like the literature provided with the ITFA Global Tea Taster’s Club package states, I would describe that thickness as syrupy more than broth-y, as broth-y suggests to me a more savory kind of taste, while syrupy suggests a sweeter flavor. And this is much more sweet than savory (although there is a savory side to it too).

Very, very good.

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Sending half of what I have left to Amanda :)
See previous notes :)

Bonnie 13 years ago

yummo…did you ever do an ice one of these. Put a little on an ice cube and let it melt (or is it with the ice on it), makes the concentrated flavor…ninja tea…It’s on youtube.

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WOW! This smells like buttered Lima Beans! I LOVE Lima Beans! This has a lovely color to it…a glowing lemon and lime green! This is amazing! One of the BEST Green Teas – straight-up I have had in a long time! It’s thirst-quenching and has mellow buttered lima bean notes to it without being over vegetal or grassy. Incredibly smooth from start to finish!

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