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Ashmanra WOW I am SO happy you sent me this!
I LOVE this and the Madame Butterfly also – going to place an order from this company as soon as I can! I was looking at the site and some of their flavor combinations are out of this world! I am in LOVE with these teas!!!! THANK YOU !!!
A big thank you to Ashmanra for sharing this one. My first Irish tea! I feel like we need a big tea map in the office somwhere, probably next to the door. The wall behind the computers might work, but it would be a pain to get to. Anyway, a map! A big map where we can put pins for all the little areas where we order or drink tea from! I’d say pins for where the tea is grown, but we’d have like what… two pins? China, India, and maybe a purple colored pin in… Ecuador? Is that where maté is from?
Rambling. Tea!
I wasn’t sure what to expect with this one. I’ll admit it, I do not like mango. I do not like it in a box, I do not like it with a fox. I’ve missed out on a lot of very tasty looking things because one of my favorite flavors in the world, pineapple, seems to be attached at the tropical-fruit-hip to mango in the most inopportune number of ways. I was totally willing to try it in a tea though, especially with spicy stuff!
Missy brewed this a little low, because the tea was a bit dusty, and we didn’t want to fly straight into Bitter-town, which has happened with some green teas. I can smell fruit in the brew, coming from the cup. It doesn’t give me that old-lady-perfume smell that I associate with mango, which is a definite plus!
Now the taste of this was intriguing. Much like the smell, I get none of what I stereo-typically associate with mango. I taste indistinct-grabbing-at-the-back-of-mind-fruit that I can’t identify, but it’s so there. SO there, I just need to identify it. After that, there’s just a tiny bit of pepper aftertaste that burns in your throat after the swallow. The flavor of the green tea seems non-existent. Whether this owes to the tea, the phantom-fruit, or the lowered steep temp, I have no idea.
But the flavor of the phantom-fruit is good, so I keep drinking. The pepper in the second, much larger drink was more apparent, but still nothing (for me) to be too worried about. The third drink, and it finally clicks in my mind… the phantom-fruit is a dead ringer for soaked in syrup fruit cup pear. This flavor is EXACTLY what I want out of a pear flavored tea, now that I’m thinking about it. I never would have suspected that from a mango tea, and I’m now going to suspiciously eye every mango tea I see, and wonder whether it’s really hiding a pear-flavored treasure trove, or a perfume-flavored bomb…
Thanks again Ashmanra! I feel very privileged to have had a chance to drink this!
I (being an old lady) do NOT smell like a MANGO! What an odd idea! But I do love that you used the word inopportune. It’s a silky word. You are a naughty boy! (But I’m glad you enjoyed your tea!)
Tin Roof Teas has an Asian Pear tea that smells really good. I will try to get some next time I am up that way. I only know they use German distributors, as does Gurman’s of Ireland, and that it used to be TeaGeschwender but now they use more than one company. If I can get some, I will send a sample to you and Missy if you want to try it.
Thank you! We’ve tried one pear tea that just didn’t work for us. We enjoy Asian Pears so that’s a great idea for the second tea in the pear tea adventure.
It will probably be about two weeks before I can get any….I have to send my son and then he is meeting us for vacation in mid-May! Hopefully he can pick it up and I can send some for you to try. It did smell yummy!
Thank you Ashmanra for your generous sample! We just got this in the mail today so we had to try it out after dinner.
I taste fruit but Dylan and I decided it wasn’t mango but pear. The same pear you get in those tiny fruit cups from the store. I don’t think this pear is that sweet though. It could have some thing to do with not loading the tea pot with as much sugar as I would get in a fruit cup. I get the spice on the actually swallow, while it’s going down my throat I can taste the pepper there and then. Does that make sense at all? I don’t really taste the green tea much but that could be my lack of experience with green teas.
Not a bad tea, but more cowbell please.
Ashmanra – THANK YOU for sending me some of this tea! And thank you for the generous sample to boot! I have been drinking this all day! Started out with hot tea then made it iced! It reminds me a little of a couple of my other favorites! Its a bit “frenchy” floral and fruity.
Its funny because I have not even touched the sample I had first wanted from you and got this as a surprise sample and have been enjoying it all day long!
On my shopping list! :)
I grabbed this one for this afternoon to share with a coworker. I knew he would get it. Sadly, you cannot keep this in a plastic bag and expect it to still have a lot of heat after several months :(
It was still good, just not face melting. Lesson learned knucklehead. Put your stuff in better storage containers. Doh.
oh no. Don’t tell me everything I have in sandwich bags will be ruined! I have so many little samples in plastic bags I have no idea how I would store them better.
oh no! Don’t tell me everything I have in sandwich bags will be ruined! I have a ton of little samplings in plastic bags, so I have no idea how I could store them better.
This combination just sounds so wrong especially for a tea. It is amazingly good. It starts out sweet and gentle on the tongue and ends with a mild but wonderful pepper attack on the throat (ok maybe medium attack at times). The cup is empty long before you are ready. I can drink this without sweetener but using a little really enhances my enjoyment factor. It intensifies the flavors from beginning to end.
The dry leaf is very interesting. The tea looks like dried grass clippings. There are tan flakes that I am guessing are peels or zest. Then there are tiny red balls that are probably peppers. Finally, I notice some larger dried pieces almost an inch long that again I presume to be peppers. These could be the dragon tooth peppers that are commonly used in Chinese food. What have I gotten myself into?
The tea is rather large pieces so I used a healthy portion. I used my usual parameters for green tea. I brought the water up to a light steam but well below boiling and steeped for 2 minutes in my press. I thought this was brewing rather dark until I picked it up for a better look and realized the leaf was floating near the top and blocking the light. The liquor is light green/amber. The wet leaf smells lightly peppery. Here goes…
The sip – Wow! This is really interesting and different. There is a moderate citrus rush followed by peppery goodness. The pepper doesn’t seem as hot as I expected. Only a tiny bit of heat in the aftertaste. A very mild jalapeno maybe. You catch a hint of the green tea in the aftertaste. These three flavors combine in the most unexpected way and result in a sweet pickle taste. At least that is the best I can do to describe it.
Ok, as it cools it does get a lot more peppery tasting. I can see if you aren’t a spicy fan this could be too much. It grabs the throat a bit and charges up your nose but never in an overwhelming manner to my tastes. There is also another bit of flavor I can’t quite place.
I brewed a cup for a friend who mostly drinks Lipton but I thought he would appreciate this from a grill master perspective (His pulled pork is literally the best I have ever tasted). His words, “This is good, it has a butterscotch element to it.” Yeah, I can see that. It’s the flavor I couldn’t identify. I steeped three cups from the same leaf. The flavor of the third was still going strong. This is Cool! It is like an extremophile, bizarre and magical all at the same time.
Thank you, thank you ashmanra for sharing this!
Cool review, K S! I am glad you liked it! I am a pretty big wimp when it comes to spice, but I like the salsa at Chili’s and On the Border even though it doesn’t like me back. I had just had a bite of my daughter’s salsa when I tried this tea, so I found it remarkably smooth and not very spicy. LOL! I need to try it again when my mouth isn’t already on fire! I did like it pretty well, it just isn’t something I would drink every day.
I couldn’t figure out what to snack on while sipping this. Cheese maybe? I love On the Border by the way.
Quite a strong bergamot infusion, which is great with a slice of lemon – you get all the lovely citrusy tastes with a clean, but slightly oily (in a good way), aftertaste. Unlike many earl greys, the tea leaves used are of a fine quality so the tea has a fairly good flavour besides the citrus.
I don’t think they carry this online. SIGH sad face.
Azzrian: I will see what I can do about having my daughters boyfriend buy it and send it if you wish!
That would be absolutely wonderful! Please let me know if you have a paypal or if he does I would be happy to send some cash in advance and thank you for the offer!