Global Tea Hut
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Holy moly this packs quite a big punch. I think there has only ever been one other time I have felt the “buzz” from a tea before. I have never done illicit drugs, but I felt high. A milder version of what I when I was on a codeine based med. The first steep was the strongest, and the feeling lasted about 30-45 minutes and made me feel floaty and a bit sleepy. Each steep was a little weaker (a good thing). I did 4 steeps until I was full, and ready to move on to something new.
The flavor started off very sweet and fruity, and moved to more mineral-y and smoky. It tasted very light – it was also very light in color. I have only had very dark puerhs before this, so this ended up being a bit of an adventure for me. The taste rating would be an 80, as this tastes lovely but isn’t as flavorful as some. With that awesome buzz though, it rates higher.
This was tasty. It was malty and warm and nutty, and wasn’t really sweet at all. It has a small bite to it, but not enough to put off a wimp like me (I don’t like bitterness pretty much at all). So far though, this is my least favorite of the teas I have from Global Tea Hut. Not that it isn’t good, it is. But the flavor on it’s own just didn’t feel that special to me. But, that is so generalized of a feeling, and personal, that I set it as recommended anyhow. I am sure others are/would be a big fan.
This is an excellent tea I wish I could get more of. I wasn’t paying too close attention to this tea as far as notes went but I did notice two, baked bread is how I would describe the predominant note of the early steeps. In the sixth and seventh steep I noticed a just barely sweet note, not sweet like berries but sweet like something else, I can’t put a finger on it. Less sweet than berries, more sweet than black coffee is how I would describe it, and not really fruity sweet. The tea was also just slightly astringent, just slightly. There was also a strong effect of the Gaba in this tea. I noticed it most in the early steeps. In the first four steeps it was fairly strong and I felt a wave of relaxation hit me, but I cannot use the phrase tea drunk, it was not a high in that sense. Perhaps I noticed it because I was stressed out after a long day at work. I can’t wait to see the next tea from Global Tea Hut, it should arrive any day now.
I brewed this tea seven times in an 8oz Yixing Teapot with 5.7g leaf and boiling water. I steeped it for 30 sec, 30 sec, 45 sec, 1 min, 1 min 30 sec, 3 min, and 6 min. The tea was nearly played out at this point but I could have gotten at least one more good steep out of it I am sure.
Flavors: Bread
This is super tasty – it is large-leafed, almost like an oolong or white tea in shape, and can be steeped multiple times. I steeped mine twice for 2 minutes the first time, and 3 the next, and it didn’t get bitter at all. It is malty and mineral-y. Dry tasting without being astringent. I am a big fan – this is some quality tea.
This is a fun departure from the fruity, floral or smoky flavors I generally find in teas. This brews up to a medium amber color with a nice weight in the mouth. I don’t find it to be sweet at all. Instead, it tastes very brothy. Like a nice warm veggie soup that’s perfect on a cold night.
I did steeps at 20 sec, 30 sec and 45 sec. Blended them all in one mug. I feel my throat getting scratchy and I worry that I may be coming down with something. This tea is very comforting!
I find Gaba to be hit or miss, sometimes you feel it, sometimes you don’t, even with the same Gaba tea.
This is a very tasty tea that I wish I had a larger quantity of. It was very good. It was just a little malty and not particularly bitter. There was no real astringency to it. I don’t know if I will keep my Global Tea Hut subscription for another year but it is a nice magazine. They had a very interesting article on Qi in the latest issue and they consider this tea an example of one with a high Qi or good Qi. I did notice a pleasant effect but am not sure if I would call it high Qi.
I brewed this five times in a 240ml Yixing teapot with 5g leaf and 200 degree water. I steeped it for 30 sec, 45 sec, 1 min, 2 min, and 5 min. I still have the leaves in the pot and may go back for another steep. After all this is not a tea I want to waste..
Flavors: Malt
A yummy selection from Global Tea Hut. I did this with longer gongfu steeps, then combined in a mug. I started with 20 seconds and added 15-20 from there. The tea is mild and pleasant. I’ve done 4 steeps so far, but there may be more to give.
I’m really happy with the Global Tea Hut subscription. I like the magazine, though I know some people would describe it as a bit “woo woo”. I don’t mind that at all though. The teas are wonderful and the little “extra” gifts have been fun and interesting.
I’d love to visit the hut in person, someday!
I’m finding that many good sheng pu’erhs have a similar flavor profile. The most prominent flavors I generally get are apricots and maybe smoke. The level of smoke varies widely, but the apricots are always there. Sometimes they taste more fresh, and sometimes more like dried.
This tea tastes like fresh apricots, with no smoke. The difference between this little gem and some shengs is that the sheng magic hits me pretty quickly. I feel a little woozy and my heart speeds a bit, but not to an excessive degree.
This tea also, although young, has no bitterness I can find yet, even though some bitter flavors are mentioned in the magazine description of the tea. I did one rinse and two short 10 second steeps to get started. My shengxing is larger than most at 6 oz, so I used 6.5 grams of tea and will have enough for one more session.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I am gonna float around over here for a little while. :)