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drank Magnolia Oolong by eZentea
102 tasting notes

Floral, but not vegetal like a green tea.

Flavors: Cotton Candy, Floral, Smooth, Sweet

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drank matcha by eZentea
19 tasting notes

I did not have entirely proper utensils to make this tea traditionally. I used a handmade stoneware soup cup (like a bowl with a handle), metal whisk, and hot water. I put the water in first and then put 2tsp of matcha green tea powder on top of about 8-10oz of water. I then whisked the tea until it was frothy and drank it along with some sweet pocky as a complimentary snack.

Before making the tea however I took time to open the little pouch and look at and smell the tea. It was so finely ground it was almost like compressed chalk dust. The smell was definitely earthy with a heavy emphasis on grass like qualities.

Once the tea was whisked to have a thin layer of “froth” on the top, I took a taste and noticed how the initial taste of this tea is not quite as bitter as non-matcha green tea. The after taste was definitely bitter, but it was not unsavory. There was something in the bitterness that was very earthy and made it feel natural. Definitely not a tea you want to power or chug, but a good sipping beverage to sit and relax for a short while

Flavors: Earth, Grass, Green

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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drank Magnolia Oolong by eZentea
538 tasting notes

Used most of this in cold brews for work. Crisp and juicy, floral I don’t know what magnolia is supposed to taste like Resteeped well.

Flavors: Floral

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drank Magnolia Oolong by eZentea
538 tasting notes

Cold brewed this at least 3 days this week. Flavor comes through well. My favorite part is that it resteeps well (up to 3 times). It doesn’t seem to get over brewed as I was grandpa style brewing it.

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drank Magnolia Oolong by eZentea
538 tasting notes

21Feb16 – Dry leaf smells flowery. Magnolia? Tastes sweet and thick. I can taste the floweryness. Scent/taste lasted to the 2nd steep. Large leaves, well scented.

Flavors: Flowers, Sweet, Thick

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drank Oolong Raspberry by eZentea
1112 tasting notes

This is a Tea Sipper Traveling Tea Box Tea!

Train delays had me hot and cranky by the time I got to work (an hour late!)! I wanted something light and fruity to sip today, and the raspberry in this was very appealing! I just had some raspberry cider the other night, and can’t get raspberries off of my mind!

This is nice! A good light but natural raspberry flavor, and a medium, mellow oolong. I see this as an enjoyable everyday-ish oolong. Usually I like the first steep and love the second steep of most oolongs, but my first two steeps were remarkably similar — less raspberry-ish on the second, but the oolong didn’t change much. Interesting.

There is a little bitterness in the tea — I should try it 10 degrees cooler the next time I make it.

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 0 sec

I’ll comment here for posterity that I did two more cool steeps and there was no bitterness. Going to try it at 175 next time!


Wow! We had train issues today too, but fortunately I was able to work from home! This tea sounds yummy, btw. I’m really liking oolongs lately!

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drank Green Rooibos Summer Fruit by eZentea
1220 tasting notes

Cold brewed this overnight. It’s really, really orangey this way. That’s about it, green rooibos and orange. I think the name doesn’t really work, oranges are not summer fruit to me, peaches and berries and watermelon are. When I bought this I think I was hoping for berry.

From my review last summer I see I said it had strawberry but I’m not getting any of that, it’s like orangina kind of orange tasting.

Oh well, I’ll still finish it but I’ll steep it hot first again next time.

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drank Green Rooibos Summer Fruit by eZentea
1220 tasting notes

I picked this up a couple of weeks ago and finally got around to trying it. So far I haven’t been much of a green rooibos fan, but all previous experiences have been hot teas.

I steeped it hot and let it cool off a bit then added some ice. I forget that a T-sac works far better than a strainer with rooibos so I’ve got rooibos all in the cup. No big deal. Since this tea isn’t on ZenTea’s website, I don’t know entirely what is in it. I see some flower petals, possibly marigolds, strawberry, and orange peel.

I definitely taste orange. There’s maybe pineapple too, it might just be a flavoring. The strawberry is more subtle, though there is a definite berry taste.

I enjoy green rooibos a lot more iced. It’s kind of grassy but very neutral. This is definitely a keeper for the summer!

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