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drank Cape Jasmine Oolong Tea by daebete
1307 tasting notes

Dipped into my Taiwan stash again today. I paired this tea with some Red on Tree mango jam on a couple of butter cookies. No regrets.
The jasmine here is present but not in the same forward way that it often is with jasmine green teas. Here it’s more like the jasmine adds a floral quality that just amplifies whatever floral notes the oolong might already have had. I got a lot of butteriness from this (before eating the cookie, so it wasn’t a contamination thing). You wouldn’t necessarily think that buttery and floral would go well together, but it works very nicely here.
On a practical note: this tea comes in pre-portioned loose leaf, but I quickly found that the instructions to brew an entire packet Western-style in a 12oz mug for 3-5 minutes creates too strong a cup. So I ignored that it’s pre-portioned and used about two tsps in an 8oz mug. That gave me four solid steeps and counting, with enough dry leaf left over to do it again.

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