Camellia Sinensis

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First order of 2017 may end up being a Camellia Sinensis order because I’m running pretty low on this, and I want more…

Trying to have some will power though because I already have orders from five other companies on the way to me right now, and plenty to drink already.

This was wonderful though; it always is. The herbaceous/savory taste of the basil is really wonderful and different, and then there’s sweet raspberry notes and fresh, floral rose that keep it feeling “tea like” and not kind of soupy/brothy and too savory.

Best part of all though? I got the right proportion of ingredients in this cup to really nail the drop dead stunning purple liquor colour. It feels almost magical drinking purple tea…

Evol Ving Ness

Trying to have some will power though

oh hello.

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Nothing quite like the caffeine crash that comes after drinking nine different Western cups of green tea for class…

Yup; that was my early afternoon today: this is my last class/term/module whatever you want to call it before I have to take the exam to get certified, and it’s all about tea types. This week was specifically centered around Japan (and Vietnam to a small degree) and that meant A LOT of green tea. Boo; fuck that. Green tea is my least favourite type. So, nine cups in about two hours. I felt pretty buzzed after I finished them, but now I’m crashing HARD. Regardless, I figured I shouldn’t have anything else caffeinated for the rest of the night so now I’m having a mug of this one.

Pro tip: if you want the liquor to actually like beautiful and purple and breath taking don’t drink it in a grey mug – pick something glass. ’Cause now it just looks like a disappointing, muddled mess. It still tastes really good though; very strong on the basil notes but with a softening floral sweetness to the undertone.

Song Pairing:

Kind of one of those word association pairings, to be perfectly honest.

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This is a queued tasting note.

Can’t remember which tasting note I said it in, but recently(ish) I said that I have a particular love of basil lemonade. Well, that got me thinking and that resulted in me cold brewing this and then cutting it 50/50 with the remainder of the lemonade I used to make that Jasmine Silver Needle infused lemonade.

I mean, at the core of things, I could probably sum up the experience by just saying “delicious”. But I feel that doesn’t quite do the concoction justice. The strong basil notes of the tea were the perfect savory contrast to the tart and sweet lemonade and it really, really did taste exactly like the fresh/homemade basil lemonade that my Step Mother makes in the summer that’s so good. Just less thick/frothy in mouthfeel, is all. This had the added element of rose/floral notes from the tea, which were largely masked. However, the light floral component that did come through in the taste was just an added element that made this seem more elegant/elaborate and flavourful.

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This is a queued tasting note.

Made this up as a pitcher of cold brewed tea, and I wasn’t totally sure how the flavour would come across cold since I’ve just tried this hot. It wasn’t so bad, but you do lose some of the ethereal quality of the liquor since it’s more of a weird maroonish colour than purple. Something to do with the leaf to water ratio, likely.

The flavour is definitely REALLY herbaceous with the most prominent flavour being basil. I like cold basil infused drinks in general; basil lemonade being my favourite cold drink that uses basil or really any type of herby ingredient. It’s also floral with rosey undertones, and a soft sweetness to this sip. It’s one of those drinks that you’re instantly immersed in when you drink it. Very refreshing overall. Makes me think of the summers I spent at my Grandma’s house as a child; a lot of playing outdoors, and being immersed in all the nature around me…

And the song I paired with the tea:

That was the first time I drank the cold brew. Second time around this is what I was listening to:


OMG I was obsessed with Take a Walk for a while a few years back <3

Roswell Strange

I’m not super familiar with the band; I just know a couple songs from a friend who liked them. This is my other favourite:

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This is a queued tasting note.

Made a cup of this; got a lot more basil in the leaf I measured out this time around than I did last time so the colour wasn’t quite purple but more of a really lovely deep blue/green colour. Kind of a tealish hue? Still absolutely GORGEOUS but not the same as last time.

The flavour was actually very similar though despite the different ratio of ingredients in this cup. That’s sort of the problem with herbals that use such huge pieces like this one: it’s hard to get the same balance of things each time. But strong, sweet basil notes regardless – little bit of a floral body. Very soothing!

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If I’m being perfectly honest, I bought this tisane solely because it’s supposed to brew up purple. Not “Hibiscus” purple, mind you, but honest to goodness purple purple. When it showed up today, I did crack the bag open out of curiosity though; while I was totally suckered in by aesthetics, you have to admit that taste is still probably the most important factor…

The smell of the dry leaf is incredibly powerful and pretty darn unique; it’s like a blast of your grandma’s garden: very fresh and aromatic. However, the only part of good ol’ nana’s garden you’re smelling is the patch where she’s growing all her own spices, and then maybe the roses in their planters across the lawn since the breeze is carrying their scent over your way too. It’s very particular, and very unique.

As far as the brewing process goes, I was totally skeptical but as soon as the water hit my tea (I of course used a clear, glass mug) it started to infuse a kind of grayish blue which then gradually became a deep, sultry sort of blue/purple. Very brilliant and touching on “royal” in hue while still having that darkness that screams “It’s not a phase, mom!”. It’s a little hard to explain and holy fuck do I wish I’d had my phone with me and charged because it may just be the most beautiful infused liquor I’ve ever seen. Actually; no, it IS the most beautiful steeped liquor I’ve ever seen. Honestly, it’s incredibly stunning!

But of course I still wondered about the taste: would it taste like dear sweet Gammie was shoving her summer bumper crop of spices up in my gullet? Actually; given the intensity of the aroma I found this was pretty soft all things considered. You absolutely get a clear taste of the basil in the blend meaning this is definitely a more herbaceous/savory profile. However, that said, I also get some sweetness that reminds me of fennel or anise and there’s the soft, rose/floral undertone as well that cuts in and keeps this from literally being a mug of brewed up spices. At moments I also felt like I was getting the refreshing feeling of peppermint as well, though that’s maybe a bit of a stretch. Still it’s nice, it’s layered and it feels very romantic and poetic to be drinking it. Like I’m in my ivory tower waiting for Prince or Princess Charming to come and sweep me away.

I mean, the fact I was drinking it at near midnight on my balcony while listening to the drizzle and pitter patter of rain probably doesn’t do a whole lot to hinder that imaginative imagery but I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that this is just a really enchanting and unique tisane overall.

Super Starling!

Oh my god, I need to get in on this action. Purple’s my favorite color, and I was a ridiculous Goth. Sipping this while working on a mostly-black painting and scowling is now on my list of priorities.


Freaking awesome! This is definitely on my list if I ever order from them.

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drank Tuyet San by Camellia Sinensis
6 tasting notes

No matter how many times I brew this tea or how many different measurements/water temperatures I try, I can’t get it to be very flavourful. What flavour it has is pleasant, but it just doesn’t taste like much. Trying hotter water than recommended only brought out a blandly unpleasant bitterness, as did increasing the steep time too much. I’m used to better from Camellia Sinensis; their teas are usually quite exciting. Best results at 85c / 3 minutes 30 seconds.

Flavors: Hay

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 30 sec 3 tsp 8 OZ / 250 ML

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This is certainly the highest quality Indian Assam I’ve tried, though most of my Indian Assam consumption was through bulk bins at health food stores. That’s not to say this is only good by comparison. This is clearly quality tea, though it is fairly straight forward. Malty assamica notes are clear and present, but a muscatel character reveals itself along with notes of minty herbs, as well as fruity tones I normally associate with Taiwan-style black tea. The leaves are not whole, but that doesn’t affect my enjoyment, even in a gaiwan. Nice for a slightly more refined Assam experience.

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Sipdown (153)!

Wow my cupboard jumped up this month! That just means I need to focus more on sipdowns and trying all the new goodies I’ve got, though. I’m finishing this one off tonight Western style because I wanted to use the tin for one of the new teas I just got – and I’ve been holding off on this sipdown for a while anyway.

This is just a nice, enjoyable tea overall – I absolutely adore the roasty quality it has and how that’s supported by flavour notes that are maybe just a bit more atypical for a roasted oolong. Things like the crustacean and mushroom notes I’m getting, and the intense umami. Of course, there are more common notes as well that tie everything together in a more complete way: wood, nuts specifically peanut, barley, maybe a little cocoa? It’s still very salty – but today I’d say less buttery/creamy than I observed last time.

I don’t know that I’ll order this one again; there are so many lovely aged oolongs out there that deserve attention as well. However, I loved having this Orwellian feeling tea on hand for the time I did!

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Hard this one on the commute to work because I found myself craving a darker, more roasty oolong this morning…

This was Western style, so it was a bit different than my Gong Fu session. Still, I found it very enjoyable and I was even able to pick out (in my sleepy early morning haze) some flavour notes that were pretty unique. The big thing with this one is that the start of the sip starts out very roasty with mineral, slight char, nutty, and wood-y notes accompanying. The body is definitely pretty unique; there’s a subtle creaminess but also a lot of more savory/umami notes like dill, sea salt, and salted butter. So much salt. Also, this is MAYBE a weird observation coming from a vegetarian who has no actual memory of what real crab/lobster tastes like and I’m told the vegetarian version doesn’t do the real flavour justice but I found the finish of the sip rather marine with crabby/crustacean-y notes. I felt like I was drinking the broth/stock for a crab based soup or stew, to be honest. Totally not a bad thing, though – it was delicious!!

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This is a queued tasting note.

So, we’ve all had a tea (or teas) that we bought for reasons completely unrelated to the tea itself, right? The art on the wrapper looked super cool? Or the name was really geeky? Well, I bought this one because I was looking for aged oolongs to sample and the year 1984 caught my attention as I’m a pretty big fan of Orwell’s 1984 and Animal Farm novels. I needed 25g of this, stat, for that reason alone. So, buckle up guys, gals, and people inbetween or otherwise ’cause the Orwellian puns in this review are gonna be doubleplusstrong!

Also, this is a stream of consciousness review, meaning I essentially just took jot notes as I was drinking of my immediate thoughts and that’s basically what I’m writing up now. Unfiltered, pretty much. Bonus, unintended Newspeak puns!

- Started with a five second rinse…

Infusion One: Less than five seconds
- Light brown/gold liquor
- Roasty/mineral aroma
- Peppery “tickle” on the forefront of my tongue and back of my throat
- Dank/wet earth and mineral notes
- Woody/vegetal; oak
- LIGHT roast overall

Infusion Two: Seven seconds
- Stronger Plusstrong roast aroma; slightly more nutty plusnutty
- Darker Plusdark brown liquor with a red tinge
- Roasty/peanut top notes
- Brothy; stewed veggie and mineral body
- Cocoa finish?
- Still woody

Infusion Three: Seven seconds
- Leaves look like black velvet w. spare brown/olive hues
- Earthy/roast/nutty aroma and same liquor colour
- Rich top notes: peanut, earth, barley, cocoa
- Very Plusnatural body; wet earth, woody, nuts
- Mushroomy and raisin finish
- Plussweet!

Infusion Four: Ten seconds
- Brothy/meaty umami aroma but still sweet
- Earthy/wet soil, musk, mushroom, peanuts, cocoa
- Slight raisin background taste
- At this point has a bordering salt flavour?
- Still some roast but it’s a little less unstrong

Infusion Five: Twelve seconds
- Liquor is lightening up in hue; it’s plusgolden again and has an unred tinge
- Smells like wet soil/rocks/leather/salt
- Reminds me of a salt lick rock I had as a small child…
- Beginning to taste doubleplussalty
- Salted peanuts and seaweed???
- Uncocoa notes and starting to be unsweet

Infusion Six: Twelve seconds (Last Infusion)
- Seasalt and earth smell
- Doubleplussalty!!! Definitely seasalt and seaweed
- A touch of a peanut taste
- Relatively monotone/flat flavour overall though

So yeah, that’s it! I think my personal sweet spot was the third infusion? I liked infusions two to four a lot though, but after infusion five the experience was definitely declining quickly. Also, a note – when I say I had a salt rock as I kid I literally mean somehow I was given something like this: and for whatever reason I would carry it around and, like a horse, occasionally lick it. I think I was maybe six? Don’t remember what happened to the bloody rock or how I even got it, but yeah that’s a thing…

Also, maybe a handy reference?


A doubleplus good review!

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So glad I was able to get some of this in a swap with someone because I have eye balled this tea for awhile.

From the sight of the broken tea I was already happy. Dark and light green mixed in with some purple and almost yellow hue. The first steep was kind of odd so I went on to the next. A few steeps in and I was tasting an interesting mixture of a roasted dancong and purple yaoba. This is a highly complex tea with a lingering astringent fruity taste. Still on the end of needing to breathe a bit, but I think this is still fantastic right now. I’m not much of the sour pucker taste that comes with the astringent notes however this is just something I really enjoyed. Highly recommended and I will probably grab a cake around June because I’m curious how something like this will age.

I’m guessing it’ll be a candy apple tea by 2019


I have a sample of the 2013 I think in a crock, aging experiment for red stoneware.

Liquid Proust

I really liked this. I wonder if the tang disapears

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This tea is quite good. There was very little bitterness. There was a bit of a green, vegetal taste early on but that did not last. What it had was a honey like sweetness without the actual intensity of real honey but the flavor. This was one good tea. In the end I only gave it eight steeps because I am really watching my caffeine but I thinnk it would have gone a few more. The tea liquid was a very light color even in the early steeps but had a lot of flavor.

I steeped this eight times in a 120ml gaiwan with 7.2g leaf and 190 degree water. I gave it a 5 second rinse. I steeped it for 5 sec, 5 sec, 7 sec, 10 sec, 15 sec, 20 sec, 25 sec, and 30 sec. It had gotten quite light colored in the eighth steep but still had a lot of flavor. I think there were a couple of steeps left.

Flavors: Honey, Sweet, Vegetal

190 °F / 87 °C 7 g 4 OZ / 120 ML

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This Sencha is from the 2015 June green tea leaves from Shouzou Japan. It has an interesting full bodied flavor. It is a light steamed green tea with a flavor aftertaste of sweet green vegetables and sweet grass and the tannins are very low. There is no bitterness and there is no astringency to this tea. This tea has a very high amount of antioxidants, around 2250 micromoles. Polyphenols is the type of antioxidants in green, black, Oolong, Pu erhs and white teas. This tea helps me relax and calms me down. This is a wonderful and good light green Sencha tea from Shouzou Japan just a little bit south of Toyko.

Flavors: Floral, Grass, Green Bell Peppers, Sweet

170 °F / 76 °C 1 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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Splashy shou tea session featuring 2006 Macao Scenary & this cute loursetleloup teacup that was a gift from Marika last Christmas!! I love this shou so much! It’s so deep and camphorous with these grizzled decaying wood/wet forest undergrowth notes. Reminds me of gardening with my grandma after a heavy rainfall; so much petrichor and potting soil (in the best way). I’ve described it better before, but the bottom line is that it’s always a good brew – and has such intense longevity as well!!


Song Pairing:

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I had a lot of really good Gongfu sessions this week, but this one really sticks out to me as just so deliciously perfect! I knew that I liked tea tea before, but this really cemented for me how much I absolutely love this shou. I’m also getting painfully close to finishing my sample so it’s serious time that I consider whether or not I want to cake/brick this tea and I think the answer is likely yes, yes I do.

Here’s my instagram summary:

“Intense, deep & full bodied! This session is filled with heavy earth notes; a mix of potting soil & a surplus of petrichor/wet earth – this is one of my favourite combinations of notes in shou. It has a brothy umami quality w/ a hint of very dark cacao. The finish reminds me strongly of earthy beets, plucked right from the garden.”


Song Pairing:

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Pretty subdued for a shou, but very nice leather and petrichor notes from what I remember. I have to stop doing this before bed shou thing though; I can never recall the details of the tea I’m drinking even though I love it…

Flavors: Leather, Petrichor

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Gong Fu!

Not fully finished this session – I’m breaking it up over two days because I’m realizing now that realistically it’s much too late at night for this much caffeine and if I drink any more tea I’m going to be up for hours, which just isn’t good for my work schedule tomorrow.

Notes from the first 1/2 (four infusions, not counting the rinse):

- Dry leaf smells STRONGLY of wet earth/minerals
- Smooth right off the bat with thick mouthfeel
- Robustly earthy with lots of wet rock/wood notes
- Medium to light overall body
- Also notes of leather and somewhat of a mushroomy quality
- Subtle developments from infusions over time
- Takes on more of a mineral/sweet aspect
- But really just perfectly embodies the essence of the earth after heavy rain fall

I may or may not log the rest of the session tomorrow though, depending on whether the flavour changes to the point where it’d be noteworthy/anything interesting results from it.

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- Steeped Western style
- Strong/potent aroma of wet earth/soil
- Reminds me of a Spring garden after rainfall in smell and taste
- Though the taste is lighter than the smell would seem to indicate
- Earthy, damp, petrichor notes
- Also a hint of a leather/“musk”
- Also evokes feelings of the underbelly of a forest
- Lighter taste than aroma, overall
- Quite pleasant!

I look forward to exploring this one Gong Fu!

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Bought 50g of this loose tea at the tea festival last Saturday. It is apparently not available on their website. So no picture with this tea. It is fairly good. It has a fair amount of fermentation flavor left. It’s not of the real unpleasant sort. It was dark an d rich in the early infusions tasting of dark chocolate. I can’t say it developed a fruity flavor later. It was also fairly bittersweet at first. Took a while to recede and leave the tea fairly sweet. Only gave it eight steeps because I want to move on to something else.

I steeped this tea eight times in a 120ml gaiwan with 10g leaf and boiling water, I gave it a 10 second rinse and a 10 minute rest. I steeped it for 5 sec, 5 sec, 7 sec, 10 sec, 15 sec, 20 sec, 25 sec, and 30 sec.

Flavors: Dark Bittersweet

Boiling 10 g 4 OZ / 120 ML

I wonder if this is a ripe tea from the same area they get the raw huang pian cakes they sell.

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drank Huiming by Camellia Sinensis
16967 tasting notes

Cold Brew Sipdown (133)!

And this cold brew finishes off this sample from Camellia Sinensis. Overall, this was the worst of all three preparation styles. The brew lots that buttery, artichoke note which I personally thought was the best aspect. Instead, the smoky note got really, really strong and intense and the brew took on a bit of an overwhelmingly bitter note. Mmm, nope…

I enjoyed playing with this tea though; I got to try it in three different styles and that was really fascinating seeing how that effected the overall taste with each different method. It was a good learning experience.

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drank Huiming by Camellia Sinensis
16967 tasting notes

Brewed this one Western style for comparison with the Gong Fu session…

There were definitely strong similarities; this was very buttery and vegetal with notes that clearly reminded me of artichoke hearts and a smoky undertone. However, I feel like I also got fresh notes of garden veggies like crisp Snap Peas and maybe even cucumber peel?

I don’t know; despite noticing a few different things I think that the Gong Fu session was better overall. This was still a pleasant cup, but the evolution of flavour that I experienced with the Gong Fu session was more enjoyable.

Flavors: Artichoke, Butter, Peas, Smoke, Vegetal

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drank Huiming by Camellia Sinensis
16967 tasting notes

This is a queued tasting note.

- Gong Fu session in one of my smaller Gaiwans
- Eyeballed the measurments; approx. 2/3 of the cup
- Starts off very fresh and light tasting
- Not sure if it’s cause I’ve been drinking more Japanese greens lately…
- But this seems especially smoky to me
- Also, floral for the first two or so infusions
- As well as nutty, with a nice buttery vegetal note
- Very clean taste/profile overall
- Description teases “bitterness”
- But that wasn’t experienced until the last few infusions
- About six infusions, then it just began to feel brewed out

Flavors: Artichoke, Bitter, Butter, Floral, Nutty, Smoke, Vegetal

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