Aromatica Fine Teas

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And it’s a belatedly posted sipdown!

#long time ago internet hiatus sipdown

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Lavender and vanilla are usually a win for me. See previous/original comments on this tea.

Today was another day that I v entered out with intentions to go to the beach for a walk after running some errands. I live in a residential neighbourhood, but now there are several condominiums in various stages of construction. And my neighbours—insert vile curse word here—continue to wake me up and keep me awake with whatever silent electronic/microwave/radiating/technological or who even knows what devices from 3 am onwards every night.

Yeah, I am beyond done. I really needed some soothing nature to look at and be with. Something away from the dust and traffic and construction. That was the plan.

By the time I finished my errands, my feet were tired. I was tired. Well, I am always chronically tired-but even more so. And I was hungry.

No beach today. I ended up going the other way and picked up a couple of treats as self-bribes. I did manage to sneak in walks through lush well-forested neighbourhoods while taking care of things. I also had a bit of a rest on a park bench and visited with pigeons and squirrels until loud energetic children scattered them.

And it’s a sipdown!

#long time ago internet hiatus sipdown


Construction noise is the worst. They replaced all the water mains along my street a few years ago and it was miserable. I also work from home, so I didn’t get a break. I hope you can get some noise-cancelling headphones or something to block it out.

Evol Ving Ness

Ugh! Thanks, Leafhopper! This has become an every summer-fall-spring thing now. I have almost become immune to the noise now, almost. It is the bed shaking violently at 7 am after a sleepless night that gets to me. That and whatever it is that they use to cut tiles. I need to get psychologically prepared to move.

Evol Ving Ness

And also, how is it possible for the humidity to work itself into cooler days?


I don’t miss the vibrating furniture! I was actually worried about my teaware during the worst of it. (Priorities!) :)

And yes, the humidity has been awful this summer.

Evol Ving Ness

Ha! Priorities indeed! :)

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Ayup, GREAT vanilla toning down the lavender. And the lavender is toning down the bergamot. And all the flavours are toning down the rather harsh black base. All good.

Mastress Alita

Mmm, that sounds like a winning combo.

Evol Ving Ness

I like this tea because the vanilla is a winner and it overrides all else/brings it all together.

Evol Ving Ness

I just went to their website and I predict an order in my future.


Oh dear. Yes, this sounds amazing. I love cream EGs; I love lavender.

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Sipdown (589)!

I made this one in my tea press, and right off the bat it just tasted exactly like DAVIDsTEA’s Toasted Walnut blend to me. I mean, I’m convinced that if you brewed the two side by side they would be indistinguishable from one another. Of course, I do like Toasted Walnut a fair bit so I liked this one too – it was a very smooth and appropriately sweet cuppa with a great balance of walnut and coconut notes.

Thanks for the share VariaTEA!

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Like Roswell Strange I got marzipan from this. A honeyed marzipan thanks to the rooibos base. Maybe a slight bit of vanilla. Maybe. It’s okay but not my favorite.

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Sipdown (615)!

Late night cup of tea before bed; mostly coconut in terms of taste with the familiar notes of honey and wood shavings coming from the rooibos. Just a little bit of a metallic sort of “twang” to the finish. Mostly relaxing; but also probably made me need to have to pee in the middle of the night more than I would have had to had I just skipped the cup of tea.

One less tea to pack though, so still counting this as a win!

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A VariaTEA share.

This is another one that I found tasted a surprisingly lot like marzipan to me. Not that it’s a bad thing/flavour at all but I definitely feel like I’m growing a little tired of it in my tea. I mean, I have A LOT of Alpine Punch on hand for when I feel like I’m in that kind of tea mood. Weird how it’s so marzipan like when I think that there’s not almond in it anymore though…

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Sipdown (616)!

Finished with just a small bit of milk. I feel like I have to up my rating on this one; it was just simply so good. Mild bergamot, and creamy, sweet raspberry notes. Every time I drank this one I simply LOVED it.

Serious Raspberry Danish vibes.

Cameron B.

Yum, I’ll have to write this one down to try at some point.

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Second cup, and every bit as solid as the first time I drank this one. I just adore the light handed bergamot notes, hints of vanilla, and really rich raspberry notes in the blend alongside the maltier, sweet black tea base. It’s wicked delicious, and while definitely Earl Grey reminiscent, it’s almost a separate entity from Earl Grey – a much nicer one. Very much sweet, creamy and silky raspberry pastries.

This time was also without milk (first had milk in it) and I thought that maybe it would feel a lot less creamy because of the lack of milk, but nah. It still totally held its own. Just the best twist on an EG…

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Hot, with milk.

I almost didn’t grab this one because I’m not huge on Earl Grey but I do enjoy an unconventional/flavoured version every now and then and raspberry sounded like a nice twist on that classic flavour. It was actually very good; definitely had that strong bergamot quality/taste to it but also had this softness and a buttery quality that, when paired with the sweet raspberry, really made me think of buttery raspberry croissants or danishes. Delectable!

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drank Walnut Green by Aromatica Fine Teas
15565 tasting notes

this sample from VariaTEA is fine…just not really my cup of tea. I was skeptical about using almost boiling water for this, but it turned out fine. Very walnut, just not something i really need in my life if that makes sense.

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vanilla? yes. coconut? uh not unless you count “creamy” as being coconut. Still though, a decent enough cup to drink while relaxing this afternoon with a few boardgames. it’s been nice getting to actually spend time being outdoors, reading inside and playing games. It’s the one perk of the new-ish job: work life balance.

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Today, I met up with Sil for a brief visit and tea thing. I had a bit of a walk-sprint there as I felt I might not have enough time to get to our meeting point on time, so I got a bit of exercise in as well as a brief visit with one of our most well-loved local tea personalities. And, of course, tea. My happiness is complete.

I’ve been drinking this for the last few days and enjoying it immensely. The vanilla cream aspect dominates the very gentle spice and the Assam base packs a nice kapow. And it survives the travel mug experience well too.

I absolutely wouldn’t mind having this in my cupboard again if I were to find a way of procuring some without the monstrous shipping fees. So there’s that.

And it’s a sip down!

Flavors: Cinnamon, Cream, Ginger, Vanilla

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML
Roswell Strange

So jealous of you all that live close to one another! :P

Evol Ving Ness

You’ll have to come visit one day, Ms. Strange!


aye…tea visits are great!

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This chai tea is great! Fragrant, smoothy, and a little bit spicy! The pink peppercorns in this kick it up to a new level. Leaves a pleasant tingle on my lips. I received a small 0.8oz of this in my Tea Sparrow subscription box but I think I might need to go purchase some more :)

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The aroma is chocolate and mint. In the mouth, there’s a vanilla cream element, similar to that of an Earl Grey Cream, that hits milliseconds before the cacao and mint on the tongue.

Very much like this one.



Evol Ving Ness

With no bergamot!

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Scramble, scramble—the kettle had boiled and I had two minutes to make my tea and head out the door with my travel mug in hand. There was absolutely no time to dawdle and make tea decisions. This is one of the first ones I grabbed and it survived the travel mug test. Very nicely even.


Love it when my tea comes together like that. I find too often when I rush, I get distracted and bad things happen (usually oversteep, or forget that its a green and burn the leaves etc. Or I forget to bring it with)

Evol Ving Ness

That happens too. :)

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For a person who is not all that keen on mint, mint in tea seems to find me.

This one in scent and flavour reminds me very much of 52Teas Peppermint Marshmallows in Hot Chocolate. The only flavours absent are the marshmallows and laoshan black. The mint insinuates itself gently, gently.

Black tea and vanilla is a win. The vanilla mellows the frostiness of the mint out. The cacao nibs do too. The assam base is punchy. Another win.

Flavors: Chocolate, Cream, Mint, Vanilla

Boiling 3 min, 15 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

I’m not a huge mint person myself, but for some reason it takes on a different life in tea. And coffee! I loooove it in coffee?! so confused…

Evol Ving Ness

Ouf, coffee and mint—for me, a bit nope.


I usually say the same. Or rather, I did… until I learned that coffee and a “shot” of peppermint is so very different. Or rather different than how peppermint presents itself in the lattes sold at xbux or second cup etc. No idea if it is a different peppermint they use but it tastes rather opposite to what I recall in the latte blended versions. For me. I was pleasantly surprised.

Evol Ving Ness

Hmm, thanks for explaining this. It helps me keep an open mind. :)


Np! I need to remember to do the same myself! Esp since I find various combos good/bad. Like mint in chocolate? Bleh. Hate it. But mint chocolate chip icecream? I adore it. So yeah. I confuse me!

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This tea is like Winnie the Pooh — everything in it is alive, well-rounded, and sweet. The stately green tea (Wise Owl) is offset with the sweet sugar/hazelnut bits (Pooh), bright candied pineapple bits (Tigger!), coconut rasps (Kanga and Roo), and Walnut/Almond pieces (deep and calm like Eeyore).

Join me as I extend the metaphor too far here:

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I brewed a teaspoon of this tea in a cup of freshly boiled water for five minutes. The scent of the dried leaves was of vanilla more than anything else. Once brewed, the vanilla scent became even stronger. I drank this black. The first sip was of the black tea tannin-y bitterness while vanilla lingered behind. At times, there were hints of spice from the ginger but over all I found it barely detectable. It was also slightly warming in the mouth and the stomach. In the similar way I feel after I drink a ginger tea or take a ginger pill but on a small scale.

It was still enjoyable to drink but I am on the fence about buying it again.

I may add a few pieces of ginger to the next cup I made as the vanilla-ginger combination sounds great.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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Ok.. Now I am questioning whether I am going crazy. I swear I had reviewed this before, because it used to be in my wish list, and I definitely remember writing that I really liked this tea but I can’t justify getting any more because of the $15 shipping. That is so frustrating! Please someone tell me this is not just happening to me.

Anyways… This was a sip down of the sample size I received in my Teasparrow box a few months ago. This tea is very enjoyable. The aroma is slightly nutty and sweet, and the walnut flavour really comes through in the tea. It is sweet on its own and quite a yummy treat. This is the only other tea my boyfriend will actually drink, so I would call that a success!


its not just happening to you


as to what we do, we dont know.

Evol Ving Ness

I had about 20 of my notes disappear seemingly overnight. Apparently, it happens.


Ok well that makes me feel better… Still sad to be losing my notes though! :( Maybe I should copy paste to a Word backup from now on.

Evol Ving Ness

I started doing that and then I continue to forget to update it. :(

Evol Ving Ness

This tea sounds delicious. How does it compare to DT’s Toasted Walnut?


To be honest: not at all. If you go read my Toasted Walnut note you will see why, but they taste very differently. I like this one a lot better.


Wow, Steepster does not make it easy to find specific tasting notes…

Evol Ving Ness

Thank you! I really like DT’s Toasted Walnut though I don’t drink it all that often. And no, steepster does not make it easy. I’ve had better luck going through google.

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Pondering a FULL Review!
Keep an eye on
It’s been too long since my last Walnut Green

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drank Peach Ginger Rose by Aromatica Fine Teas
15565 tasting notes

thanks variaTEA
-nice base tea
-peach flavour is nice, though i personally am a little tired of peach
-neeeeeed moar ginger!
-don’t notice the rose

decent enough peach tea. thanks variatea!

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drank Ginger Cream by Aromatica Fine Teas
15565 tasting notes

this one was on my wishlist and VariaTEA obliged. I actually quite enjoyed this one in terms of a tea versus living up to it’s name. From this one i get largely a really nice black base assam with vanilla and a hint of ginger. I’m always a fan of MORE ginger than less, so for me this is much more like a vanilla cream tea than a ginger cream. still though, quite tasty…just not quite it’s name.


It was actually one I got through Amoda and was gonna send to MissB but never got around to it. I figured best to pass it along before it got too old and knew you wanted to try it.


haha oopsy

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