Amani Tea

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Amani has been one of my favourite vendors to stop by and say hello to at TO Tea Festival. Each year they seem to have something new and delicious to sample, and this year I was thrilled to see a Kenyan Silver Needle had been added to their line up. It’s very smooth with the most wonderful fresh and herby aroma to the dry leaf. Steeped up it’s light to medium-bodied with distinct notes of rosemary and sage alongside a gentle woodiness and undertones of creamed honey. Quite approachable, and I love the more savory sort of lean to the flavour compared to Silver Needle from more common terroirs like China. Definitely a very solid addition to my ever growing tea stash. Can’t wait to see what new teas await me from Amani next year!!

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This is probably one of the most bold, full-bodied Earl Grey teas I’ve ever tried and that’s definitely from the fine Kenyan black tea that makes up the base. It’s rich and malty but also has very brisk citrusy undertones that compliment the fresh, aromatic bergamot. It would stand up exceptionally well to milk and sugar, I’m sure, but I think not trying it straight first would be a missed opportunity. IMO this tea is a masterclass in how what are usually perceived as “small changes,” like using a different origin of tea, can have big impacts on the final taste!

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I was stoked to see Amani again this year – they were one of my favourite discoveries from last year. I’ve only had their straight teas before though, so I decided to pick up some of the flavoured ones this time.

Y’all know I’m a sucker for blueberry so this just seemed like a natural fit. It’s quite rooibos forward with some of that distinct woody and mineral flavour. Also a little medicinal, but in a way that seems in part both from the rooibos and the additional fruits. I say that because I also tasted a bit of a cassis/black currant undertone and currants do tend to have both a dense jammy and medicinal sort of taste. None of the above is a bad thing for me personally, but I just wanted to make sure to acknowledge because it also sounds like a series of red flags for anyone sensitive to those flavours.

The blueberry was very nice! It meshed well with the aforementioned fruit notes, and definitely had it’s own sort of denseness to the flavour. More a blueberry juice than something super bright or fresh and floral leaning. I also like a lot that it wasn’t super sweet because that gives a great deal of flexibility. I loved it as is, but I know myself well enough to clock that sometimes I would want more of a sweet/sugary blueberry note and a pinch of sugar or agave would likely deliver that.

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Historically, I’ve not been a huge fan of the purple teas that I’ve tried out of Kenya. However, I strongly believe in revisiting teas as your preferences can shift quite significantly over time – in many cases in a super subconscious way! In this case, there’s an added benefit to revisiting this tea type: in the grand scheme of the world of tea, purple tea is very much still in its infancy. Even a few years can make a world of difference as elements like the terroir and production methods evolve and are further refined!!

So, all that to say that I don’t know if I’m ready to be first in line for the next year’s harvest of this tea, but… Well, it’s certainly the nicest Kenyan Purple Tea I’ve sampled to date. Smooth, and honestly pretty fruity with denser jammy-type stonefruit notes with a clean, wood forward finish!

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drank Nandi Gold by Amani Tea
16950 tasting notes


This organic Kenyan grown tea is so rich and full bodied, but also quite sweet and smooth with prominent notes of stewed or brandied red fruits and citrus that feature alongside flavours of malt and molasses and a hint of spices like allspice, ginger, and nutmeg in the undertones. In the past, I’ve compared this tea to fruit cake (but, like, GOOD fruit cake) but today the prominent molasses and spice notes are making me think a little bit more of gingerbread and mincemeat. Regardless, it seems like this is a tea that definitely elicits fond memories of holiday baking. Is that perhaps a little weird for what is the heart of Spring!? Maybe just a little. However, it’s a delicious tea and easily one of the most complex African black teas I’ve tasted!

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drank Nandi Gold by Amani Tea
16950 tasting notes


Amani was kind enough to gift this tea to me! As soon as I smelled the dry tea leaf, I knew this was going to such a rich and decadent session. The notes of cooked plums and molasses cake were so aromatic and intense!! Steeped up the liquor was dense and borderline syrupy with a mix of almost festive feeling spices and stewed fruits – still with the plum and molasses notes I was getting prior to brewing. It sort of felt like a rum or brandy soaked fruit cake you might have over the holidays; a nice one with lots of allspice and nutmeg and real fruits instead of those fluorescent red and green cubes of candied fruit. Something that was probably a treasured family recipe, but also a thinly veiled excuse for your Aunts, Uncles, and Grandparent’s to get tipsy at Christmas.

I really enjoyed it a lot so, again, a big thank you to Amani for this sneak peek!!

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Sipped on this yesterday.

Though there’s nothing wrong with CTC grades, they usually just aren’t my jam. However I was really impressed with this one when I got a chance to try it at Toronto Tea Festival and I couldn’t resist grabbing a bag for myself. It’s so rich and full bodied with exactly the right amount of brisk flavours of malt, dark honey, citrus, and just a hint of a wood-y mineral note. Really perfect for a robust cup of breakfast tea.

Though this is a black tea that’s delicious on its own, I went for an extra long steep and a generous splash of cream in my mug today. As everyone here in Montreal recover’s from yesterday’s intense (but very beautiful) ice storm, I felt like I needed something hearty but cozy to keep warm with. I’m also feeling incredibly thankful that I’m not among the quarter of people in the city who are STILL without power following the storm. What a crazy Spring it’s been so far…

Tea Photo:

This was after the storm when the ice was just starting to melt, but picture that thick layer of ice that’s perfectly coating the branches on EVERYTHING. That’s exactly what the storm was like… Like, pretty much literally everything.

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