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Sage leaf is fantastic for clearing up your sinuses. Instead of spending six or seven dollars on this packaged tea, head over to the bulk dried herb section of your grocery store, buy a bag full (will yield twice as much tea) for about two dollars and pack a tea ball full of sage leaves. Steep for about seven minutes and drink once it has cooled down a bit. The taste is pretty strong and mildy bitter if you are sensitive, but you will be thankful later that you don’t have to take speed to relieve sinus pressure. If money is no object, buy this tea, it is already bagged and you won’t have as many floaties.
I love this tea and I don’t think the aftertaste is bad at all. I’m getting a little worried because nobody seems to be stocking it anymore and Amazon actually has a “currently unavailable” notice …and the seller on Amazon is listed as Alvita, so uh oh… I hope they are not discontinuing this product due to lack of interest. If so, several Yogi teas such as Calming, Gingko Clarity and Energy all have gotu kola in them and seem to have a pretty high content of gotu kola, too, based on the feeling these teas give.
This brings me to the real reason for my tea review. I like the taste of tea, sure, but mostly I drink tea for the immediately noticeable effects on my physiology and mind. Several years ago, I was frequently irritated, angry and often extremely tired. Someone suggested that “I had too much ‘pitta’” and that I should use Gotu Kola to balance my energy. Sounded like new age mumbo jumbo, but I Googled the term “pitta” and I Googled “gotu kola” and decided to give it a shot.
I have problems with mental clarity, emotions and energy levels. Gotu Kola helps with all of that. If I drink gotu kola tea instead of alcohol, I am much closer to normal within a few days (I am talking about when I feel really stressed). I have also noticed food plays a major part in how I feel, but for the most part, I can get myself feeling back to normal within a few days of drinking the right teas.
If you do some research on gotu kola, you will see it’s a very healing plant and as a general nerve tonic, it is excellent. I can’t exactly explain what it does, but I feel it is a much better alternative to something like Prozac, honestly. My mind does a complete 180 from jump-off-a-bridge anxiety to “what’s the big deal?” And I do like the way it tastes.
This tea is a wonderful mood-booster and helps to calm the stomach. The recommended steep time is three minutes, and with even three minutes the tea can be on the strong side. I prefer a bit of a zing in my mouth, so let the tea steep for five minutes or more adding a bit of honey keeps the tea from being bitter, but does not change the strength.
Friday Apr. 1, 2011
2nd Steep of the Day.
Got a New Alvita Sarsaparilla Today.
Steeped this Herb for 8 min. and it Makes Great Cup.
This Has the Flavor of the Old Sasparilla Sodas I Liked.
I’m Gonna Enjoy this Box of Tea.
Keep On Steepin
I really like this tea! It’s slightly sweet, very smooth, and just awesome. It even smells good to me.
It doesn’t really taste like coffee, but I suppose if you steep 2-3 bags in 1 cup then maybe?
Overall, I love this tea and I can sip on it all day. Never tried adding a sweetener to it, but I’m sure it would taste great. Maybe even iced with a little honey!
This was a green brown in color and it smelled like a cross between ‘used catnip’ and dirty socks. (Some of you have seen me describe the ‘used catnip’ smell once before). The taste was a flat/grassy-wood type taste…almost on the verge of stale. I did finish the cup so the flavor of the herbal tisane was thankfully on the paler side. I don’t think I could have or would have finished the cup had it been more strong. Anyhow…just when I thought it was MAYBE growing on me…the funky aftertaste HIT me like a TON OF BRICKS…it left a dark leafy-green on the verge of bitter aftertaste. Oye.
This girl has had too many herbal teas in the last couple of hours… get some real tea in her – stat!
“used catnip” – wow! That’s something I never want to taste. Thank you for drinking it, and sharing, so that we don’t have to!
Yeah… and the whole dirty socks thing… no, I don’t think I’d like to steep dirty socks and then drink the resulting “tea”… nope… pass!
Is it wrong of me to hope that you get some nasty teas just so you can share your poetic descriptions with us? Mmmm…used catnip…::drools like Homer Simpson::
I thought gotu kola is usually used in Indian and South-east Asian cooking – curries, salads, porridges, etc. I’ve never heard of it consumed as a plain tea before. It sounds pretty nasty at any rate! >.<
I don’t believe the water was hot enough or the teabag was steeped long enough by the pourer at the tasting this evening…but…
It was next to clear in color – pale yellow tint with little to no scent. It tasted like warm water. Nothing else really to say. It wasn’t bad it just didn’t look, smell, or taste like much.
Went to a TEA TALK tonight…sooooo not what I expected. If you want the ‘extended dance mix version’ of my time there PM me and I will share it. In the meantime…I did take tasting notes on the ones we sampled.
The first one was this Peppermint.
You know I love my Peppermint. This was…eeeeeh…so-so, but also the highest rated one for the evening…IMO.
It was slightly murky and a light brown with green hue for color. Nose was NOT a hyped up version of Peppermint but still a fair amount paired with an ‘ishy’ (no, not fishy…ISHY) Medicine-E smell. The taste was exactly like the smell. However, the after taste was more pleasant than I thought it would be.
Altho I drank 2 cups…I wouldn’t buy for my stock…
I clicked “like” because of two things 1. Ishy and 2. It’s like sending you a heart because of the seemingly sad teas you experienced all in a row.
I usually avoid bagged tea because loose leaf varieties are always much higher quality. This tea however surprised me. It tastes much more like an oolong than a green tea. It gets me through each long work day without the mess of preparing loose leaf tea.