Adagio Teas - Duplicate

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Woah! This is very bold! I think I oversteeped it or something. Maybe a second steep is in order. Tastes very astringent!

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drank Scorpio by Adagio Teas - Duplicate
38 tasting notes

It is a good night to be a scorpio. I brewed this tea with boiling water, and accidently let it steep for 10mins. The tea still brewed up without a bitter edge, with the mango and chocolate notes predominating. Delicious.

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I love this jasmine! I drink it anytime — day or night. Also excellent for cooking jasmine rice in your home rice cooker; simply steep your tea and add to your cooker as you would water with your rice. Don’t over-steep this tea, however. It gets bitter very easily.

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I don’t drink black teas at all, but I wanted to at least give a darjeeling a shot. I wasn’t disappointed. It’s a very lovely black that doesn’t prove to be very overpowering for my green-and-white-preferred tongue. It’s over-caffeinated for someone of my tolerance — I was shaking after a couple cups! Great with milk and honey.

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drank Virgo by Adagio Teas - Duplicate
20 tasting notes

Drinking this right now cause I have a sore throat that is keeping me awake. I have always loved this tea as a night time tea though. Not as much actual tea in it but a few herbals to dim it out. There is not enough caffine in this to actually affect me so its nice at night. Flavor wise its nice. A very clean taste to it. I tend to brew it kinda long since its mostly herbal if I don’t brew it a while it tends to taste a little weaker than I like.

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drank Virgo by Adagio Teas - Duplicate
911 tasting notes

Brewed for 3 mins. Nice. Very sweet from the chamomile. Is smooth and bright. Very flavorful.

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tried it for a little longer of a steep this time than the usual 4 min. I instead went with around 6 this time. I like it made it a little more robust and didn’t lose alot of its complexity.

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Still one of my favorite black teas. Had some for lunch cause it was cold outside and I wanted to warm my bones and stomach

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I loved this tea. It was a very delicate tea for a black tea and had an almost floral or fruity finish as you drank it. I brewed it like most of my black teas in boiling water 212 ish. Then I let it steep for 4-5 min as 5 seems to make a lot of them go bitter

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Orange and creamy. This is pretty awesome.

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WOW! Loved this! The coconut is the best part! I am totally going to purchase this in the future!

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I have the sample tin of this and it’s the first time I’ve brewed my own Jasmine tea. It has a very pure flavor and I look forward to drinking it. Like @thestranger said, I’m not sure if I should order more or if there might better Jasmines to try first.

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This is a wonderful black tea. Smooth, complex, not bitter, slightly fruity.

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Light amber, sweet smelling with all of the delicate flavor I expect from a good Darjeeling.


Just purchased this one! Waiting for it to get here! :)

Cynthia Carter

Worth the wait!?

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smooth, floral taste and fragrance. If it weren’t almost perfect already it would be wonderful blended with jasmine.

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One of my faves, but I do prefer Harney’s Jasmine Pearls. This one is good though.

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It feels like it has been a while since I have had a black tea, so I went for this one. I seem to always enjoy this one when I make it.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec
Wiseman Tea Co.

ah the champaign of teas

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This is one of the best black teas I have had to date.

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drank Taurus by Adagio Teas - Duplicate
911 tasting notes

Very nicely peachy. The tea flavor is nice and mild and more of an end taste. S’nice.

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I’m running low on everything!!! Luckily, I’ll have a brand new box of goodness from Adagio as soon as I get home. Yea! New teas and new posts to follow.

Does anyone know of an ANTI-rain dance? I’m about tired of driving to and from work in the rain. And my dog can’t go out and play. Wanna see a 150 pound Great Dane that is scared of the rain?…come to my crib. At least this cuppa kept me nice and warm and snuggly as I pretend to work. I’m on my second cup. Bravo Sagittarius tea!


I can’t be certain, but I think it may involve any or all of the following: a wooden spoon, wearing your pajamas inside-out, and Bohemian Rhapsody.

Well, and drinking tea. But that’s my remedy to just about everything.


I’m running low on everything too!!! STILL looking for my package…ek!

Cynthia Carter

If you find that anti-rain dance, let me know. It’s rained so much here this summer, even my cactus plants have mushrooms growing in them. And don’t even ask about being trapped in the house with two stir-crazy beagles.

I like the Cancer tea from the Zodiac series – it sounds like this one is worth trying, too.

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The cream flavor is really coming through in this cup…pretty neat considering all I used was a little splenda.

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