382 Tasting Notes
So in my Monday morning haze, I had this made and in my travel mug before I realized that my travel mug smelled like the armpit of hell because I’d forgotten to clean it after having a tea latte over the weekend. So…last bit of breakfast blend ruined, and mug set to soak in a variety of things that the intarwebs tell me will get rid of the terrible terrible smell.
(In case you are wondering, the intarwebs is mostly saying bleach, baking soda, and vinegar – not all at once – so nothing earth-shattering there)
Let us know if that’s a decent de-scenting combination…my travel mugs are getting a little gamey, too.
I said I’m not gonna use them all at once! First bleach for a couple of hours, then move on to baking soda and vinegar is kind of a last resort.
Yeah, I know you said that. But don’t you have a bit of the rebellious streak? Like when the teacher said not to put the zinc in the sulfuric acid, didn’t you just have to know what would happen? Lol.
Tried the Jade Lemonade again with more matcha (because sleep is for losers!) and adding soda water so: 3/4 tsp matcha, 6 oz lemonade, 4 oz soda water.
NOM NOM NOM, Houston, we have delicious! So cool and refreshing with just the right amount of tang! It’s like a lighter, sippier version of the Odwalla juice thing I made a bit ago. Of course, now I have the problem of convincing myself that I don’t want to keep drinking this all day. What with wanting to get to sleep SOME time and all.
Swap the lemon for lime, steep some mint water, let cool, add matcha (and rum if desired) for a Matcha mojito!:)
Nah, just party ideas! Some people find it hard to make matcha converts of people, but put some alcohol in it and maybe some fruit and you’ll have them hooked:) I don’t have any vodka, but I’m thinking using OJ instead of the water, a lil vodka and doing matcha screwdriver shots. Equal parts vodka, milk, and OJ for dreamsicles?
mmm, sounds good. As soon as I can convince myself to actually spend the money on non-terrible vodka I need to try that.
No you shouldn’t- not saying you can’t jot the suggestions of others down and keep them in a safe place for 5 years:)
Today’s Maxsperimentcha: Jade Lemonade, also from the DoMatcha website.
8 oz lemonade and 1/2 a teaspoon of matcha.
I’ve gotta say, I love turning things green by sticking matcha in them. It’s so much fun! The lemonade I used (minute maid) is naturally light in color so the drink is just slightly lighter than normal matcha. Hmmm, I can definitely SMELL the matcha, but I can’t really taste it that much. Looks like some experimentation with amounts is in order! On the other hand, I haven’t had lemonade in a while, so perhaps I just need to get used to the flavor before I can start looking for additions to it.
Yeah, the longer I drink the more noticeable the matcha gets, although that may also be because it’s collected at the bottom. This is a nice combination! Matcha smoothness + lemonade tang. I like it. The lemonade in question is a bit too sweet for me though. Perhaps I should try a different brand? (I made the decision to get the minute maid through the highly scientific process of what was cheapest) Or maybe I could add some soda water.
Soda water I bet would be good. I just make the lemonade as directed from the bottled lemon juice, but omit the sugar.
Good lord, what does it say about me that it did not even occur to me that I can make my own lemonade?
I love “Maxsperimentcha!”
And speaking of turning things green: most baristas at B&N and Starbucks hate cleaning out the matcha holders since the matcha wafts up no matter how hard you try and gets into your sinuses. Then you’d forget about it and a while later blow your nose and momentarily freak out ;)
Trying to give this another go, hopefully without the weird chalky taste this time.
The chalky taste has definitely receded but, while tasty enough, this tea just doesn’t do much for me. Now, I’ve only been to Paris once in my life and most of that time I was afflicted with jetlag induced nausea, so I can’t say it was all that fun. I HAVE, however, seen the movie French Kiss a bunch of times and I enjoyed THAT although now that I think about it neither Meg Ryan nor Kevin Kline exhibited any sign of jetlag whatsoever. The bastards. In any case, nothing about this tea really screams Paris to me, but I have no idea what would so let’s set that issue aside.
I guess all I can really say is that this tea just doesn’t “click” with me. It happens!
Finished off my sample of this for my morning tea . Of course, I say morning but since it was the weekend it was more like eleven or so. Mmmm, weekend. It was pretty much down to this and the blue flower for what I wanted more of and, while this is good and interesting and nice, I think I like the blue flower bette for tasting how I want an Earl Grey to taste.
Nice morning tea though!
Welp, here it is, the long-awaited DoMatcha-tini trial!
Went through two iterations of this and I am just going to have to pronounce it meh. I mean, maybe it’s my not particularly rad drink mixing skills (it probably is that), and maybe I’m just not that big of a fan of vodka-base drinks (also quite possible, I’m more of a gin person) but I didn’t really feel that the ingredients fit together particularly well (ok, mostly it was the cognac) I assume that what is going on here with the creme de cacao and cognac is an attempt to create a smooth alcohol combination with a vodka base in order to complement the smooth creaminess of the matcha but…I’m just not feeling it. I think if I were to make continued attempts at this (and I might, because I kind of like the idea), I’d probably skip the cognac altogether.
I also tried this with preblending the matcha in water and with just dumping the matcha straight in, but neither attempt really seemed to result in the matcha really settling in with the other ingredients. There wasn’t that magical alchemy that goes one when I mix matcha with latte mix and let it sit for a while, or the nice melding that occurred with the juice. Also, clearly I didn’t buy enough alcohol for this because this note is waaaaay too coherent, and that’s Just Wrong.
After all that, I guess I should end with a caveat that I’m not exactly the most trusted source when it comes to mixed drinks since my drink of choice (as implied above) is the venerable gin and tonic. According to…most people that I meet this makes my tastes pretty suspect.
Sorry the experiment was a failure :( I must admit that I was rather disappointed by the coherence of your tasting note ;)
Perhaps you should try a variation on a vanilla ice cream based alcoholic drink — where I come from it was called The Tumbleweed, but I know it has several different names (none which come to mind atm). Good luck with the future experimentations!
Well you know how it is. Hard to get good and sloshed on a drink you’re not really enjoying all that much.
I have already found a separate page of matcha cocktails, so I WILL prevail!
Sorry to hear the matcha martini wasn’t a success! If you are more of a gin person, try adding an ounce of gin to the jade lemonade recipe :) We’ll be adding a Matcha Kitchen Video of this recipe to our Facebook page in the coming weeks. Happy experimenting!
Why, yes, I AM trying to catch up on tasting notes that I’ve skived off on over the past day or so, why do you ask?
This was today’s mid-morning/lunch tea. Still fantastic! I just love the complexity of the taste and the fun of teasing out which parts correspond to what word in the tea’s name. I used too much water on the second steeping and got a kind of washed out flavor, though :(