Ok, now that that’s out of the way.
Picked this up along with the Blueberry Cream Cheese Danish, so creamy cheese is definitely the theme of this week at Chez Ewa. Which is awesome. Obviously. It is kind of hilarious to me that I picked up the Teas, etc. coconut custard and then a few weeks later managed to get this as well, SO MUCH CAFFEINE FREE CREAMY COCONUT NESS. Hey, I know what I like, or what I might conceivably like despite not actually liking for real (I’ve already discussed my…tumultuous relationship with coconut).
Anyway, you are all going to think I have gone absolutely insane, but the overriding scent I am getting from this is…wait for it…BUTTER. I know, I know, really? Butter? WTF. But, there you go, that is what I am getting, which is interesting because that was totally how cheesecakes in Japan tasted to me. They do this extremely odd thing with cheesecakes over there that makes them extremely dense and…buttery although not necessarily a nice kind of buttery, most of them were a bit too much for my taste. Cursory google searching tells me that they do indeed put butter in the cream cheese mixture for cheesecakes, but I can’t say for sure whether that is a deviation from Western cheesecakes because it has been ages since I have made cheesecake myself, although further cursory googling leads me to believe that it is. Anyway BUTTER. Perhaps I now just associate butter and cheesecake? That would be weird.
The actual taste of the tea remains buttery, but definitely the nice creamy variety of buttery that I can definitely get behind. There is also a really good balance of coconut-ness/butteryness/vague cheesecakeness/actual tea, that just has me wanting to drink this forever. It tastes like dessert, but it’s not overwhelming like many of the other dessert teas I’ve tried are. I have not yet tried adding cognac yet to see what happens, and I’m not particularly filled with the urge to, although I probably will at some point (FOR SCIENCE). I definitely prefer honeybush as a caffeine free/dessert base to rooibos, although I also find this saddening because I used to like rooibos a lot more until someone on Steepster mentioned the sour wood aftertaste and now it is ALL I TASTE >:-| Oh well, at least honeybush doesn’t have it. And if it does, don’t tell me about it, I am apparently very suggestible :P
PS: I contemplated just writing om nom nom nom and leaving it there, but that would have meant depriving people of my cheesecake related tangents and clearly that would have been Wrong.
PPS: So many highly rated teas over the past few days! AND my first ever 100 (I have a neuroses related to the number re: WHAT IF I FIND SOMETHING BETTER but I have decided to just take that risk and accept that if I find something better 1. that will be pretty awesome and 2. get over it)