Had to cleanse my palate after the…interesting experiment with the spiced plum. In Polish there is a similar expression except it literally translates to “fix my taste” which, my terribleness at translation aside, I think may apply even better than the whole cleansing palate thing. I don’t want to just get back to neutral! I want to cross the boundary into tasty!
Anyway, went back to an old staple for my mission. Whereupon I realized that the teas from the art of tea dessert sampler and foxtrot are my only rooiboses – and I believe I already mentioned that I have…issues with foxtrot. (which will hopefully go away some day >.<) Thankfully, I think the majority of my teafrog samples are rooiboses so I will soon be saved from a lack of rooibos choice existence. (at least until the samples run out) Hurray!
Um yes. The tea. Continues to be tasty! mmm, pear.