Going back through some of the Upton samples that I’d previously dismissed just to make sure I didn’t do it wrong the first time around or something.
My description of this tea is pretty spot on though. Highly aromatic, weirdly floral, and kind of acidic in the back of the throat. I think I don’t mind the acidity as much this time around, either that or it’s lighter. Since this was my morning tea and I was running late as usual, I’m pretty sure it steeped for a maximum of three minutes. Apparently shorter steeping time is the secret to me enjoying this tea, although I’m not a huge fan of it’s over-floweriness.
I’ve been thinking of getting some of the frou-frou Rosy Earl Grey because Rabs’ notes have made it sound really nice, but considering my reaction to this stuff perhaps that is not a good idea.
You may get a chance to sample the Rosy in the next month ;) Just sayin’.
I can neither confirm nor deny that your comment just made me squee like a little girl (but it totally did)
My work here is done. \m/>.<\m/