We now interrupt your scheduled destruction of various samples to bring you a bulletin on mint:
Mint is tasty and soothes the stomach that has overindulged on cheez-its, which I like for reasons that I cannot explain even though I am pretty sure they are made completely of chemicals. The end.
Addendum: Put in my first 52teas order today! (not the hot cinnamon tea of the week, that scares me, but some other cool stuff!) I am totally stoked!
Hmmm, to be coy or not to be coy….ah screw it: the black currant bai mu dan (of course!) the coconut cream pie (apparently it’s FAYMUS) and the buttered cinnamon raisin toast black tea (because even though it kind of terrifies me, I am a sucker for teas with ridiculously long names)
Haha yeah the BCRT black isn’t bad. Now in actuality you’ll have to amp that up several notches as I’m not usually a non-chai or chocolate black tea person and if I think it’s that good- it’s gotta be pretty amazing.:)
LOL I love it. So what did you order? Curious minds, mouths, and stomachs want to know:)
Hmmm, to be coy or not to be coy….ah screw it: the black currant bai mu dan (of course!) the coconut cream pie (apparently it’s FAYMUS) and the buttered cinnamon raisin toast black tea (because even though it kind of terrifies me, I am a sucker for teas with ridiculously long names)
Haha yeah the BCRT black isn’t bad. Now in actuality you’ll have to amp that up several notches as I’m not usually a non-chai or chocolate black tea person and if I think it’s that good- it’s gotta be pretty amazing.:)
I just ordered 2 out of three of those, plus a couple of chocolate things. Interesting. :-)
Clearly we are secretly the same person.
I had suspected as much ;)
Looking forward to seeing your reviews of the 52teas you ordered! :) I just ordered a bag of the coconut cream pie myself…it could be better (stronger), but I still think it’s really nummy and I’m obsessed with it now!