Tried this this morning as a comparison with the St. Isaac’s blend. Now St. Isaac, Wikipedia tells me, was the patron saint of Peter the Great and Czar Nikolas II was the last czar of Russia. So…no connection there! Well I mean, Nikolas was Peter’s descendant so there’s that connection. But what does that have to do with the tea? Absolutely nothing.
Nikolas DOES follow the St. Isaac’s blend in the way that the tea base is the dominant flavor with the spices in the tea rounding out the taste. It’s more fruity than floral, though. It’s also a much lighter tea – even the first steep was lighter both in color and in terms of the strength of flavor. The second steep barely had any flavor at all. I need to try and remember to use more leaves in the future if I’m gonna drink it in the morning, although this lightness makes it good for the late afternoon, I think.