Upton Sample Buying Spree Tea #13:
Oh noeeees, with this I’ll be on my last two teas! Get here soon, Golden Moon Sampler!
Brewed this up this morning for my “on the way to morning Chinese class” pick-me-up. Another very fine tea which, as expected (and as it says on the box) brews up extremely fast. I learned my lesson with yesterday’s Scottish Blend and was a little more careful with my spooning and diligently paid attention to the time. I have to say, the care was well rewarded; this came out as a great strong tea for the morning and didn’t taste oversteeped at all, although now that I come to think about it, I kind of miss the slap to the face I AM TEA HEAR ME ROAR that the oversteeped Scottish Blend gave me. As usual, I fail to show signs of either discernment or sophistication; although, honestly, people expecting that sort of thing in the morning are just insane.
Yeah, that sounds like the Scots. I had a 6’4", 300 pound Scot for a roommate in college, and that’s exactly how he was, first thing in the morning. The only way I could ever retaliate was insisting on the top bunk and subjecting him to the “naked Gypsy dance” first thing.