And now, herbal break! Since I tend to be prone to bouts of insomnia, I try not to encourage it by switching to either weaker or just decaf teas after around 5 or so. I haven’t been as good about that as usual lately because I have had so much black tea to try, but now that I am off my drowsiness inducing cough medicine, it is probably time to pick up the habit again.
Foxtrot! What can I say that hasn’t been said already? I met Foxtrot while visiting my brother on vacation, and we hit it off immediately! I knew then that I was going to have to invite Foxtrot over to my place some day. From hearing other people’s descriptions, I had convinced myself that Foxtrot just had too much going on, there was no way that combination could possibly produce anything like a balance. But in fact, Foxtrot is perfectly balanced, everything just fits together to create a whole greater than the some of its parts. Basically, Foxtrot is a great companion for an evening’s drink. Although sometimes the chamomile is a bit strong for my taste. (The writing exercise kind of fell apart there at the end, oh well!)