I just got my first Gaiwan and I had to try it. Something tells me I’m going to be in for a treat. I was generous with the leaf. This tea is truly unique. The aroma of the dry leaf. The flavor. So different than any black I have ever had. And the Gaiwan, I love it….
The best place to go is an Asian marketplace if you have one in your area. We have an Asian Mall in Portland, and they have a tea shop there… I can pick up gaiwans very reasonably priced. However, they are the thin porcelain, and I much prefer the gaiwan I bought that was a little more pricy (I think I paid $20 for it) but, it is made of a thicker porcelain, it has a pour spout, and what I like to call “comfort” spots on the sides where I place my fingers when I hold to pour so I don’t burn my fingers. Since I use my gaiwan nearly every day, and sometimes more than once a day, it was certainly worth the investment for me.
I asked for some Gaiwians for Christmas… they are fun.
I just paid 3.99. A steal
Red Blossom tea company sells them for $15. so overpriced…
The best place to go is an Asian marketplace if you have one in your area. We have an Asian Mall in Portland, and they have a tea shop there… I can pick up gaiwans very reasonably priced. However, they are the thin porcelain, and I much prefer the gaiwan I bought that was a little more pricy (I think I paid $20 for it) but, it is made of a thicker porcelain, it has a pour spout, and what I like to call “comfort” spots on the sides where I place my fingers when I hold to pour so I don’t burn my fingers. Since I use my gaiwan nearly every day, and sometimes more than once a day, it was certainly worth the investment for me.
I got mine at the local Asian Market. The porcelain is thin I must add. It’s a nice starter….
I have a couple of great gaiwans from In Pursuit of Tea in NY. travel sets with bag and 6 cups and tea ocean…great and very flexible and portable