I drank this tonight. It was in an unopened bag from Verdant in the bottom of my Shu sampler box. It said 2009. I believe this was one of those “Just for Fun” bags that David sometimes includes with the order. I noticed that it brewed up nice and dark but it did not have the same flavor profile as my 2005. I brewed this up in the Gaiwan at my GFs house and I was getting a very heady tea buzz. It was delicious but it did seem a bit young. Maybe I am wrong. I don’t know. It did not have the energy in the flavor but it did make up for it with an energy in the buzz. Wow. So maybe it is a 2009 that Verdant purchases for future sales.

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I am an avid surfer, gardener, golfer and freespirit. I have been a tea drinker forever. Tea has provided me with contentment. I love White, Oolong, Green, Black and Pu’er. I do not care for flavored tea and nor will I comment on it.


Margate, New Jersey, USA



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