With all the loose leaf teas I have I sometimes forget to use my bagged teas. This is one of my favorites from back when I was just starting to get into tea four years ago. I decided I needed some extra strong spice today so I grabbed two bags of this and plopped them into my tetsubin.
Before the milk and sugar the liquor was lovely bright honey-gold. The first sip was a tad bitter so I added more sugar. Mmmmmmmmmmm! Silky. Smooth. Sweet. Spicy. A touch of almond. So smooth. A little biscuity. A slight dryness but not unpleasantly so. Did I mention smooth?
Why oh why didst I forsake thee oh lovely tea!? You may reside in a little baggy but you are my perfection in a cup!
I was enjoying this tea so much in fact that I nearly forgot about the banana bread I was also having at the time!