The smell of this is intoxicating. It immediately reminds me of DT’s Coco-Lemon Thai, except this is green instead of white (and presumably cheaper too – bonus).
Mmmm. This is really good. I forget how much I enjoy non-black teas, and I really should try more. This might be one that I need to stock up on. It’s so creamy and bright, lemony and vitalizing.
I also am REALLY craving Thai food because of this.
I love the the ingredients are simple, and there’s no artificial flavouring either. I’m not opposed to artificial flavouring per se, because I know that some times that just means you have one flavour that is supposed to mimic another but it’s still “from nature” or whatever – but either way this doesn’t take fake in any way.
I’ll have to cold-brew it some time too with the remainder of my sample.