I just had Santa’s Secret yesterday from DavidsTea, but that wasn’t enough peppermint for me. I thought I’d have this one so I can try and compare them.
It seems to me that the ingredients are near identical, except Candy Cane has chocolate and possibly more vanilla, while Santa’s Secret has more mint!
I think this tea is a little weaker than SS, but it still has some nice flavours. I wouldn’t associate chocolate with candy canes, but as a Christmas tea it works! Each sip starts with the base black tea, then makes way for the chocolate before I’m actually hit with a bit of mint. It’s extra nice if you hold it by your nose, while you curl up with a book.
I’m still not sure which I like better, which means I’ll just have to brew both at once and compare!
I wish we could add tags to our cupboard! It’d be great to add “christmas”, “core collection” or “pawn off on someone else” to our teas. :)
That’d be cool – tags or shelves even, in the cupboard?
I actually bought chocolate-filled candy canes tonight.. hehehe.
That’d be cool – tags or shelves even, in the cupboard?
I actually bought chocolate-filled candy canes tonight.. hehehe.
I didn’t even know that was a thing! I’ll have to get some.
At Chapters/Indigo :D …they’re HUGE
would prob be amazing as a coffee stirrer O____O
Oh! That’s a great idea!