392 Tasting Notes
I had this today with lunch (a Mediterranean Veggie Sandwich). This is very sweet and more milk than tea but it is still yummy. It has a primary flavor of ginger with a background of cinnamon and cloves. I really quite enjoy it, but you really can’t taste the tea part.
My classes got canceled this morning so I got to sleep in til 10:30 (yay). I decided to have a cup of this to celebrate seeing as its one of my favorites. I have found that the creme flavors comes out more in this if I prepare it at green tea like temps and steep it for 6 minutes. Unfortunately I got distracted and steeped it for 7 minutes so its a little bitter but I salvaged it with a splash of milk.
I had this tea at 3pm with cookies as a homework break. I don’t really enjoy hibiscus but I don’t hate it either and I liked its combination with darjeeling here. It really gave the tea a berry feel. Plus it gets bonus points for reminding me of a tea my mom used to make me in middle school.
I had this tea at 11:30am before starting my epic day of homework. I thought the caffeine boost would be needed and the name seemed appropriate.
It tastes a lot like there Awake tea (which I enjoy) but with orange flavoring. I enjoyed it!
I am the first one to log this! I’m surprised. I got this tea spice for Christmas and decided to test it out last night. I made stir fried broccoli spiced with this and I put it over rice prepared in green tea. I am not sure how much I could taste all the green tea that was in the meal but it sure was yummy!
I got this in a swap with brandy3392 – thanks!! I just got my package yesterday and decided to break into it this morning. I like the idea of a black tea with jasmine. I think I might decrease the steep time next time i make this tea because it was a little bitter but definitely not undrinkable. Also the bitterness went well with my maple quaker squares. I think this is a really solid breakfast tea with an interesting twist of jasmine. I definitely enjoyed this cup.
I had a cup of this today after my last class of my first week of classes. I also brought a cup with me to class earlier in the week. It is quite yummy. I have been finding myself craving this tea lately. I really like the fruity blueberry flavor combined with the creamy vanilla – mmm.
Funny, I’m extremely sensitive to anything remotely considered sweetness in chai, but I actually like this one.