Purchased a 4 oz. tin in-store at Peet’s for around ten dollars. Jade Cloud/Mist is one of my favorite varieties of green, so I figured I’d give it a try. I used about 1.5 heaping tablespoons, and accidentally steeped it for a little too long (around 6-7 minutes), but it was still forgiving and not too bitter unlike most greens if brewed that way.
Smell/Aroma: the tea itself smells very sweet, which doesn’t come through as much in the brew itself.
Appearance: brews a fairly dark, almost orangeish liquor.
Body: Fairly light.
Taste/Flavor: absolutely love the flavor of this tea. Very brothy…so much so that it almost tastes like it could be used in place of chicken broth in recipes! Perhaps it’s the theanine content…? Can definitely taste the kale notes as well.
Surprisingly solid tea, especially for the price.