Here I go again…Chocolate Review #3 on my Chocolate Tea Day!
I know this is not a ‘strictly chocolate only’ tea. Blah, blah, blah I don’t wanna hear about it.
This is chocolaty enough for fussy about chocolate ME!
Each of the 3 chocolate tea’s have been steeped about the same amount of time (4-5 minutes) and the addition of cream and sweetening has been the same so that I could compare them side by side.
The only other differences have been the base black tea (a standard black, an organic black blend from the Tea Spot, and Laoshan Village Black, Wuyi Black and Oolong from Verdant).
Then the chocolate. The first two companies used artificial chocolate flavoring. Only Verdant used raw cacao nibs. (Verdant is the only one with other natural flavors from mint and flowers which thankfully don’t overpower either the tea or chocolate nibs).
I have an easy time finding tea’s that tease me with maltiness, drawing me into the desire for cocoa. But for some reason, I don’t like to drink chocolate milk or hot chocolate. Seems odd.
I love dark, luscious bittersweet chocolate (prefer the sea salt bars), and natural black chocolaty tea’s with no flavoring added. (I have not reviewed those tea’s here, choosing the flavored ones and the blend instead).
Another reason this has been a favorite Tea is that I like it cold. Most of the time, artificially flavored tea’s go all sour iced or chilled. Not so with Chocolate Chamomile Curiosity Brew. That’s what made me buy a bunch to last the Summer.
I’ve had some good tasting, YES! (And I have a shot glass full of Ghiradelli Chocolate Chips for TV time!) Video about a Chocolate Master