It was a dark and stormy night….
We’ve all heard stories that began like that one. Well last night, I had a scary long and stormy night and Steepster was not available to comfort me! Being alone in a storm…eeks!
This is a backlog review!
I was watching “So You Think You Can Dance” and over and over the storm warnings kept streaming by…more and more frequently…tornado warning…tornado warning. Then the warning ticker turned red…TORNADO WARNING…STRONG STORM…FLASH FLOODS…Yikes! Then the warnings listed the area where my friends live and a Steepster person I know about 2 hours South of me. Then…then warnings began in MY area. The sky was filled with Lightning! TO THE GROUND!
I’m from California…we don’t have WEATHER in California. (the ground moves now and then…no biggie)
What to do, what to do?
I made tea!
Holy Basil Spa Blend and a prayer for all the people in harms way to be safe! Yep!
I rushed in case the power went out. Brought down a nectar-like Colorado Raw Honey (the brand is Ambrosia)from the cupboard and my big 16oz mug.
The combination of mint, basil, burdock, fennel, ginger and honey was warm and cooling in the mouth…like jumping from a rope swing into the water on a hot Summer day. Totally refreshing and as warm as a towel when you get too cold. The honey is perfect with this tea.
I looked at the weather report for this morning…more storms later today. Eeks! I have to get used to the Rocky Mountain Weather.
I’m glad I live 1 block from the base of a mountain so that no tornado will come my way. But the lightening to the ground part…that is so freeky!
Holy Basil Spa Blend is my new “I’m scared to death” comfort tea of choice!
Glad to “see” OO all of you again!
(You’ve got a friend…James Taylor…)
Scared to death, refreshing, and warm as a towel tea; sounds like an great slogan to me! Glad it kept you company : )
Sounds stupid…but I turn into a little girl when the lightning starts, I’m by myself and didn’t grow up with this weather. I don’t cry or anything, I MAKE TEA! And what do you suggest I do? Pull some man off the street to hang on to?! I’m not driving!
I’m going to punch you you’re making fun of me! ;)
Scared to death, refreshing, and warm as a towel tea; sounds like an great slogan to me! Glad it kept you company : )
Sounds stupid…but I turn into a little girl when the lightning starts, I’m by myself and didn’t grow up with this weather. I don’t cry or anything, I MAKE TEA! And what do you suggest I do? Pull some man off the street to hang on to?! I’m not driving!
I’m going to punch you you’re making fun of me! ;)
Only a little, and only because I enjoyed the review!
Sulks in corner! Smile hidden!