I can’t wait to jump right into the taste of this tea…but wait…catch my breath…first things first. The aroma of the dry leaf is very inviting and sweet pastry. The color of the liquor…ah..deepest pure bright honey gold 24K.
The flavor, oh my….Wonderful!
This tea is like the best homemade, still warm from the oven wheat bread…soft and steaming (my daughter bakes all the bread for the family). You want it now and can not wait to put unsalted fresh butter on it…and finally the whole messy lump is melting in your hands. Heavenly! It is one of those best memories for both kids and grandma’s.
Now on to the honey assertions. Honey is a harder flavor to pin down since there are soooo many honey’s out there. I know what the Verdant Website discription is getting at…but in this case I think that the bread itself has the sweetness and if anything it is a sweet malt from the wheat that I taste. Perhaps further steepings may change my mind. I added some sweetening after a bit which enhanced the flavors further and was delightful.
This tea is absolutely rich and special. I would recommend it especially as a brunch or morning tea because of the toasty flavors which would brighten up the day and give an excellent start. I imagine this would go well with strawberries and cream.
Here is a piece of music I love and sing in English (this is Russian):http://youtu.be/IHtfYkL71dI
Second Steep I had great success on a second steeping with no weakening of the brew. Very hardy. I think I know what I taste instead of honey for sweetness! Yam! It is fortuitous that I had been baking yams and the scent called to me. Once cooled, I tasted one… did a double take and a lightbulb went off in my head bing…YAM SUGAR! which can be very honey, brown sugarish. This is my final answer!
Thanks for posting the beautiful music to go along with the tea! I listened to it while drinking, and found it to be very relaxing.
Wow, that sounds amazing. So much sensory detail!
I get carried away!
Thanks for posting the beautiful music to go along with the tea! I listened to it while drinking, and found it to be very relaxing.
Glad you enjoyed it. Tonight I heard such a beautiful voice chant Byzantine tones.
Love everything about this review!