Most of my lovely samples from Just Organic tea have been waiting patiently for my return from travel and then a bit more for life to be sane enough to actually sit and enjoy my tea. The dry tea in its little sample bag must be scented from the other samples as it smells like incense. I’ve eaten a lot of “holy basil” in curries and like it a lot with fish but never drunk it. And after 5 minutes brewing the whole sample in 8 oz of 195 degree water the incense is gone it smells of basil and red clover. The taste also has hints of the clover sweetness. Its clearing the fumes and confusion from my mind with a gentle warm summer breeze. The flavor is a bit sweet and a bit buttery or maybe that’s me remembering the village in Nepal where they poured ghee offerings on their tulsi bush? Its also soothing to the stomach and head! I will try this one again although I often dont’ like straight herbals this one is differnet it doesn’t taste like grass!
Flavors: Honey