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Similar flavor profile to Taiwan Tea Crafts’ “superior” grade of the tea, but less astringent and even sweeter and more floral. The fragrance of this tea was definitely my favorite part – deliciously complex, juicy honey notes and very spicy but light florals. The flavor was surprisingly less complex than the fragrance, though the mouthfeel was enjoyable (medium-light viscosity, relatively smooth). Clear notes of rose, peppercorn, honey, and grape hyacinth, as well as lavender in the finish. Delicious, though quite similar to the “superior” grade, and for the price difference I would have to recommend that one over this mildly better counterpart.
Flavors: Floral, Honey, Lavender, Mineral, Nectar, Peppercorn, Perfume, Rose, Spicy, Sweet, Sweet Potatoes