Following 5 Tea Drinkers

Spoonvonstup 177 followers

I generally drink Chinese teas. I love things that are interesting, that forc...

David Duckler 257 followers

I fell in love with tea while doing work on classical Chinese language in Chi...

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Tea drinking, tango dancing, rock climbing, and reading are my main activitie...

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I’m a lover of all teas. Open to almost anything,but my favorite are oolong, ...

TeaBrat 683 followers

My profile pic is of a pink dahlia at Golden Gate Park. Hobbies include: tea,...



I started drinking tea in February 2011, so I’d say I’m still pretty new to all this. What with all the flavors and health qualities of tea, I’ve fallen in love with the hobby!

My favorite teas are blacks from China’s Yunnan Province, but as I try more and more oolongs I notice that I’ve got a big taste for Wuyis and Dan Congs.


Columbia, MO

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