807 Tasting Notes
Raising my rating a bit because I made it stronger. The company suggested a teaspoon per 8 ounce but I kept finding it a bit weak. I guess I wanted to feel like I had been punched in the taste buds by a mango. I doubled the doze and got what I desired.
Also wanted to note – I also do not taste strawberries in this. I get the mango and slightly the orange, really no presence of pineapple but maybe some very subtle nuisances perhaps.
This is one of my favorite teas from The London Tea Room … bear in mind that the only loose leaf I have other than ONE is from The London Tea Room. Also the first place I have ever really tried loose leaf tea from. Regardless of all the teas I bought from them – this is one of my favorites. Tonight for the first time I have tired it with a little milk. I have had it straight, I have had it with honey, and with sugar in the raw. Tonight I added sugar in the raw and milk. VERY YUM! It seems fruity and a little smoky with the milk and of course creamy. Now I have not added milk to many teas, if any that I recall so maybe this is normal but it makes it very much like a dessert tea. Now I just want to brew a pot and have it without the milk and do a closer comparison!
Also available at The London Tea Room http://www.thelondontearoom.com/Drink_Me.html
No idea – I would have asked about this had I know then (when I was there) what I know now but I am here. LOL
I know that London Tea Room will say when a blend is their own on their menu but I have only noticed a few of their own blends. I will say pretty much everything I ever got from them has been great. If I didn’t like something it was not due to it being a bad tea but more just not my cup of tea like the grapefruit has lemongrass in it which I don’t care for.
We briefly carried it from a wholesale blender, that’s the reason other tea companies might carry it. The reason we discontinued it was because it was expensive and very heavy. So perception to the customer is they get a little for a lot. Great Blend though, especially for people that do not like tart flavors.