A wonderful Daily Drinker Pu’er in my book! I enjoy it quite much. Full review will be on http://sororiteasisters.com/ on the 31st but here are my snippits:
This tea has a lovely earthiness to it without being too earthy. The mouthfeel does have a creamy texture which is quite nice. I get hints of notes of vanilla, and butter, but its not too intense on those notes. There is a nice woody taste to the cup as well.
To me, this is more of an every day pu’er – and that is not an insult by any means. Usually when I take the time to sit down and enjoy pu’er it is a process, an event if you will. To me, this is one of those pu’er that is not so complicated that you can’t just make some up and enjoy it every day, on the go, or while working. While it is quite good, very good, it is not so complex that I feel I need to do nothing else but sit down with my yixing pot and dissect it.
The notes come over as direct and are unassuming. Creamy, full, robust even, woodsy, perhaps a hint of mushroom, buttery, and warm. Simple enough to enjoy every day but delicious enough to savor and appreciate in the moment without it taking too much time to figure it out. I will not say it is my all time favorite pu’er, nor even my favorite from Mandala Tea, but for what it is, it is hardy, and delicious!
Hi Kashyap! Yes… the yellow mark cake is shu pu’er….
@Azzrian – I just completed a new blend that you have to try. I made 150 lbs of it in loose leaf and 400 cakes of it were also pressed. I am going to strike a deal with the producer of these leaves and do a yearly blend with the same proportions of leaf. It is not on website yet, but is called “Noble Mark” – 2011 material processed in 2011. Blend of 4 grades of leaf, majority smaller leaves balanced out with larger ones.
shu/shou pu erh yes? not sheng?
Hi Kashyap! Yes… the yellow mark cake is shu pu’er….
@Azzrian – I just completed a new blend that you have to try. I made 150 lbs of it in loose leaf and 400 cakes of it were also pressed. I am going to strike a deal with the producer of these leaves and do a yearly blend with the same proportions of leaf. It is not on website yet, but is called “Noble Mark” – 2011 material processed in 2011. Blend of 4 grades of leaf, majority smaller leaves balanced out with larger ones.
Thanks for the info Garret! I will have to check your site out and see what else is new too! :)