A nice enough black tea. Nothing that made me praise the tea gods but an alright black breakfast tea. I think I kind of understand where the “winey” part of the title is coming from but its almost as if the winey flavor is part of the slight astringency itself. Still, its not what I had in mind and was looking forward to with a name like Winey Keemun. Sure the tea is a deep red color but oh well thats not enough to make me jump up and down.
Yet there is a calming morning salute here and somehow this tea becomes quite relaxing for a wake up tea, quite enjoyable almost as if it is whispering in the back of your mind “don’t worry, don’t rush, everything will go smooth today, relax…” and as you become more and more alert you do so without cramming your crumpet in your face while grabbing your items and jaunting out the door – this is the laid back take er easy tea for morning people who want to savor the moments in life. But again, like I said … nothing to write home about. :P