Just brewed my first sample of this. I bought a sample sized pack. Sitting here not one sip yet. Smell: Crisp, Clean, Like Rain Water, I could bathe in this! Very clear only slightly perfumey and sweet. First sip: Ahhh so THIS is what quality tea taste like! Sweet flavor influences my first thought, but finish is so clear and clean like an amazing palate clearer.
Very lightly fruit flavored – peach but not candy peach at all but just fresh juicy peach without any tartness. Slight tingle on tip of tongue, no aftertaste though whatsoever, again this would be an excellent palate cleanser. Wait … after about 5 sips I do get SOME lingering of an aftertaste … but its so pleasant and not bitter whatsoever. I do wonder if I may enjoy this brewed a little stronger maybe. I wish I had more! I only have enough for one more pot. Going to add a little sugar now and see how and if it changes.
Added sugar and it really did not change it much – added more thinking I had not added enough – again not a lot of change but I have to say I prefer it more in its natural state – the sugar distracts from the peach actually.
You know, I have not tried a lot of teas so far but I am very happy with this one! I can’t get over the fresh smell! What a wonderful eye opener. It probably is not the strongest tea to wake up to in the morning but this would make a delightful after noon tea!
I would LOVE to try this on ice!!
I think it would be an absolutely wonderful iced tea but I would make it stronger so the flavors are not lost as it is on the “weak” side but in its simplicity I adore it.
I love seeing new tea love like this!! :)
Haha thank you – yes its like a little romance :)