Busy weekend with setting up the in law’s tree. I still need to set up my tree, once I find space for it. I’m still knitting more ornaments, sigh. Never ending! They take 1 to 2 hours each, but I have so many to do!
DRY LEAF: Smells like sweet sweet strawberries and candy!
STEEPED: Green tea smell, little bitter smell.
TASTE: Good strawberry flavor and creamy vanilla. Grassy base from the sencha and hint of matcha. A little bitter, but I think that’s my fault.
I actually made this tea yesterday as a latte (not really following the recipe card it came with) and it was very berry, vanillay and not grassy at all. It tasted just like strawberry bubble tea!
COMMENTS: Next time I make this tea I’m not following their suggested boil + 2 min steep and doing a lower temperature like I did last time.
Also, sneaking in some RLT’s Strawberry matcha would be a good fit for this tea!