Marshmallow Monday?
DRY: mmm! This tea smells just like brownies! Very close to smore brownies I make!
Lots of bits in this tea – need to do a good bag shuffle to ensure you get all the little bits!
STEEPED: Light brown tea, smells chocolate liquor like and roasty. The marshmallows dissolved too!
TASTE: Perky bold black tea up front. Graham flavor pops up clearly to me. Chocolate and toasty flavors swings in some sips. Marshmallow sweet aftertaste. The black tea is kinda bitter to me – maybe a shorter steep or lower temp might help out there.
Sweetened, the chocolate comes out more and the black tea tastes quite roasty. Slightly cooled, the sip tastes just like smores on some sips – best flavor!
COMMENTS: Hmmm, I love this tea but some parts I dislike – not sure if I’m liking the black tea used here or maybe I need do adjust the steeping times. However, this one has to be the best black tea/smorey marshmallow tea I’ve tried so far.