Following 173 Tea Drinkers

Charissa 42 followers

“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me...

Garret 187 followers

I began studying tea in 1998 when I was in school for Chinese medicine and ma...

Cwyn 296 followers

Zack S. 88 followers

Currently looking for these teas: A replacement for Butiki’s Taiwanese Wild M...

darby 165 followers

VERDANT TEA lover!!! David’s Tea FAN! Love anything TEAVANA! Still developing...

The Cookie Lady 121 followers

I am a teacher for an after school tutoring program serving grades 1-12 and t...

Crimson Lotus Tea 178 followers

We are Crimson Lotus Tea, a Seattle area puerh tea import and education compa...

jeweledthumb 118 followers

I recently discovered loose leaf tea and am already addicted (much to my husb...

Frolic 173 followers

I’m a long time tea addict since my british grandma started me on english bre...

fyrefly1981 19 followers

I’m a 33 year old female. By trade I’m a Veterinary Technician, but at hea...



I’m a tea blogger – The Oolong Owl – I do tea reviews, obsessively photograph teas with mischievous crocheted Owls and get tea drunk. I am also a crochet and knitting designer at Awkward Soul Designs.

To contact me for reviews, check out details at or email me at [email protected]

I was raised on floral oolongs and green teas, mostly “beauty” teas. Early on as a kid, I can guzzle an entire pot of tea (or two) at a Chinese or Japanese restaurant.
These days I like adventurous and interesting tea blends. I’m fearless in trying new teas! I’m into oolong, pu’erh, white, green, black, guayusa, mate and herbals. I’m not into red rooibos but I keep buying it anyway.

The tea brand that got me started into loose leaf teas was DAVIDsTea. I used to live in Vancouver Canada and had access to their shop, however that is now limited since I moved to southern California.

However, the perks of living in the US is ultra cheap, fast shipping! Since then, my tea stash insanely expanded.

Other stuff I’m into that sneaks into my tea notes: Brazilian jiu-jitsu, metal music, drawing, painting, cooking, photography and nail polish.

BTW, my Steepster cupboard is not even close to accurate and I track my teas on a spreadsheet. Last update 573 Teas – August 2015.


Seattle, WA USA


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