Oops, I forgot to log this one when I was on Steepster earlier (ironically backlogging last night’s teas). The bits of leaf are decently small so I was expecting a strong brew. And it is. I tried it first without additives fully intending on adding sugar and half & half after a few sips. And yes, the additives were desired but I was trying to get computer-related things done and ended up not going back to the kitchen for tea doctoring until I was over halfway through the cup.
It’s malty, nutty, stout and chewy with a little old-nut-esque bitter at the end (a note that seems pretty typical of the stouter Assams for me). I did finally add sugar and half & half but I added too much for the small amount of tea left so it ended up more like tea-flavored sweet milk (which was actually pretty good but not a good representation of the tea).
Currently, this reminds me a lot of Taylors of Harrogate’s Pure Assam, though with a bit less intensity to the bitter-nut taste. I’m going to hold off rating this until I can doctor it properly and then see how it floats my boat then.