Thanks to Lena for sharing some of this! I’ve had this before, but it was right when I first started drinking tea and I didn’t appreciated it so I’m glad to have a chance to try this again now that I like Yunnan.
Teance’s Yunnan Gold is the only Yunnan I’ve had recently but I think this one is a little better. It’s still smooth and tastes (what I think of as) peppery. But I think the overall taste of this one is richer than Teance’s version by a hair. I might break out some of the other stuff later today to test for sure.
“le gaspeth” made me laugh!
I’m glad you like it! Maybe in a few months we can swap again with new teas. :)
@Jillian: I think it’s the pepper taste – but it is different – kind of like the difference between sea salt and normal salt. So sea pepper?
@Lena: I like that idea! Seeing that you liked the darjeeling I sent made me wish I had included another one I have, Milrik Valley, I think it is? Anyway, I think you’d like it!
le gaspeth Is that the elusive pepper taste?! ;)
“le gaspeth” made me laugh!
I’m glad you like it! Maybe in a few months we can swap again with new teas. :)
@Jillian: I think it’s the pepper taste – but it is different – kind of like the difference between sea salt and normal salt. So sea pepper?
@Lena: I like that idea! Seeing that you liked the darjeeling I sent made me wish I had included another one I have, Milrik Valley, I think it is? Anyway, I think you’d like it!