This is a good black tea to have when you want something different from the norm. It still has some familiar black tea notes, notably roasted nut and sweet potato; however, there is some funky fruity sweetness that runs through the whole experience that makes it stand out from others.
I keep using “grape leaf” and sweet potato to capture some of these flavors, but there are some other fruit flavors that are present, especially blackberry syrup.
Given its name, there are certainly some parallels with Oriental Beauty oolong – there is always a certain fragrance about the whole experience that is a bit floral and fruity that you almost never get with black tea.
All that said, YS is selling it super cheap, and it’s a great departure from the heavy-handed nature black teas can sometimes have. There is always a certain lightness to this tea that is refreshing.
Dry leaf – grape leaf, grape vine, raw peanut. In preheated vessel notes of chocolate, date, and blackberry syrup
Smell – roasted nuts, sweet potato casserole, grape leaf, hints of blackberry syrup
Taste – roasted nut, sweet potato, grape leaf. Aftertaste has notes of date and chocolate sweetness, hints of fresh mint