In full disclosure I am not a huge fan of jasmine tea but after reading everyone’s tasting notes I was hoping this would be the one to convert me and it would have me doing backflips and sighing with delight like everyone else.
I drank a bunch of this last night and I’m having some more this afternoon. I’ve finally pinpointed what my beef is with jasmine tea. Although I love the smell I find it very drying and it also seems to upset my stomach and that is just a bit unpleasant. I didn’t tank it in the ratings because it isn’t Verdant’s fault I don’t like jasmine, I probably should have stuck with something else.
But onto other subjects. This is very clean and nice, I think the jasmine goes really well with this particular white. I’ve tried steeping this a few different ways and my favorite is to steep it in the gaiwan at a lower water temp, I believe I’ve been using around 160 F – 170 F. That seems to bring out the natural sweetness of the white a little bit which is helping me deal with the jasmine.
I went and bought some bulk herbs and flowers and I threw a few rose petals in it which is also nice but I somehow want to go make a bath oil with it now… lol!